Years of Prayer Finally Pay Off
In 2002, Jennifer was newly married and full of life.
“I was very active person. I loved to go out, play, have fun. I loved to hang out with my friends and just enjoy life,” said Jennifer.
However, a year later she began having debilitating headaches.
“It felt like as if someone put a hammer to my head. And it was so painful. All I just wanted to do was lie down and I didn’t want to hear the noise, the light, everything ached. I couldn't even keep my eyes open, it was that bad,” said Jennifer.
Over time, the headaches only got worse. The pain became so unbearable that it was hard for her to take care of her four children. While her husband worked, she had to depend on her mother for help.
“There were things I would love to do as a mother. And it was really disappointing for me that I couldn’t do them with my kids,” said Jennifer.
She tried taking over the counter pain medication but nothing worked. So she went to see the doctor.
“He told me I had migraines. And I was surprised. I was like… migraine? Okay, and he placed me on pills for migraine. He also recommended I go see an eye optician. Maybe it’s something to do with my eyes. I started wearing glasses. But it just kept coming back and getting worse,” said Jennifer.
Jennifer and her mother often prayed together. The morning of August 14, 2017 was no different.
“So I remember we prayed and we talked to God about it. We told Him we believe He’s already done it. And we thanked Him for healing me, even though I had a headache that day.”
Later that morning while Jennifer was out, her mother was watching The 700 Club and heard Terry Meeuwsen praying so she prayed with her as soon as her daughter returned she shared what had happened.
“I have a word of prophecy for you from sister Terry from 700 Club. I claimed a healing for you. Then I touch her forehead. I said the headache is gone. Continue to declare the Word of God,” said, Elizabeth, Jennifer’s mother.
“Then I went back to the –to the computer and I put in, plugged in the dates, and I watched the episode for myself. And I heard Terry say that—the same thing that my mom told me. Terry Meeuwsen on The 700 Club: ‘There’s someone who has, you have chronic headaches. I mean it’s life interrupting. You have to cancel work. Sometimes you’re even nauseated from them. You’ve had them for years, but today is your day. God is healing you. Lift up your hands and receive that.’ I lifted my hands up and said I thank you God for healing me. I receive this healing. Sometime between the time me and her prayed and before nighttime, I didn’t have a headache anymore,” said Jennifer.
At first, Jennifer was a bit cautious about engaging in any major activities for fear that the migraines would return. When she went two weeks without a headache, she knew without a doubt that god had healed her. Now she’s back to enjoying life to the fullest with her family.
“I haven’t had one episode of that type of headache since. And I really give God all the glory,” said Jennifer.