700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

700 Club Episodes & Videos

Viewer - I've done wrong in the eyes of the LORD. How long does it take for Him to forgive me? Or has He already forgiven me through Jesus? I feel...

I hear about disasters like the earthquake in Nepal, and it disturbs me about the salvation of these people who have never heard about Jesus Christ....

My husband and I are Christians and have been together for 11 years. Recently I found out he cheated on me with a male Christian friend in our Church...

I've heard that if you die while sinning you will go to hell. I am a Christian, and sometimes I sin. Am I in good condition for heaven? Will we be...

What does God mean when He says, "My strength is made perfect in your weakness?" Some of my friends aren't virgins anymore, and at times I feel like...

I don't understand why back in New Testament times men like Joseph and Jacob had more than one wife and today that would be considered adultery. Is...

In the Church Age, how do we distinguish between true prophets and the false ones-between genuine exorcism ministries and the frauds? I recently had...

My son is 11 and he has recently started listening to music that speaks of the "beast within" and the "infection in people" and it has almost come to...

I recently fell to porn twice. I had been free from it for almost a year, but I let the devil and my flesh get the best of me. I'm afraid of what may...

I had an abortion when I was 18. I did marry the same man who got me pregnant. We are now Christians and have 2 godly, loving children all grown up,...

I am a born-again Christian since 1962, 76 years old. Both my knees are gone due to no cartilage, I can barely walk. I hurt so bad, I often use God's...

I know God has a plan. He's always had a plan, so why do we pray? What if we pray for something that isn't a part of His plan? He isn't going to...

How can you know if you have a certain gift? What is your opinion about Scientology? Should parents control an adult child's relationship, even if...

How can I confirm that God is talking to me and I'm not just using my imagination? My boyfriend passed away so, how can I communicate with him...

Do sexual sins affect your body, and will they bring a distance between God and me? Will we lose our fellowship? Will heaven be on earth when it's...

My sister feels torn as it appears they're putting sports before their faith as they miss church often during soccer season. Your thoughts? I'm a...


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