700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

700 Club Episodes & Videos

Could you please explain who exactly Melchizedek was and the significance of his role. He is referred to often as being the priest of the God Most...

The Bible tells us Jesus and His disciples cast out demons. Are there still demons in the world as back then? I know there is evil, but have not...

Are there such things as BIG sins and LITTLE sins? Is there really such a thing as "once saved, always saved"? I had sex outside of marriage and I...

Will God continue to forgive you no matter how many times you sin? My niece and her boyfriend have lived together for 7 years and have two children....

I heard once that a test of something in the Bible being true is that it was mentioned three times. Is that true? Where do you think we are along...

A 6 year old boy wants to know who the Holy Spirit is. How can we explain in a kid's language that will make sense? I was wondering about the Holy...

My teenage daughter wants to do Yoga, what do you think about it? Don't you think that our kids that are joining ISIS is a result of the hypocrisy...

Should Christians defend themselves from physical harm or not? Luke 22:25-37 says: "If you don't have a sword sell your cloak and buy one." That says...

With the threat of war with Russia and Islamic terrorists threatening to attack on US soil in spring and summer this year, how can we prepare? As...

Do you believe we are living in the Last Days? If so, what do you recommend to a young follower of God who wants to be ready for Jesus' return? Are...

In your opinion, is it a sin for a woman to have a baby via in-vitro fertilization? I run a small prayer ministry on Facebook. I have been recently...

I have seen a big push by churches to attract more millennials. What do you think the church should be doing out to reach out to millennials? "My...

I was diagnosed several years ago with having Asperger syndrome. I have been single for quite a while, and each night I pray and ask God to send a...

Can a "saved" person speak curses over someone and hinder what God could do in that person's life? Can a Christian speak doubt and unbelief and...

I have new neighbors who invited our family over for dinner. I feel it would be very rude not to accept their invitation, but because they are Muslim...

I found a "Gay" magazine in my son's room. What should I do? I know that if we want to grow in Christ we need to read the Word. I'm not a very good...


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