700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

700 Club Episodes & Videos

Highly decorated Paralympian Jessica Long accomplishes everything she set out to do, but her joy is incomplete until she surrenders her life to Jesus...

For former guitarist, Anthony Greve, the hard-partying life of a musician left him with a spiritual void. In his new book, “Delivered From Evil,” he...

In “Wildfires,” Jessi Green shares her testimony and how she and her husband began a series of churches in Southern California that continued to...

Shay’s addiction ruled her life for ten years until she was arrested on nine felony drug charges and faced with a possible sentence of 22 years. She...

In her book, "Beyond the White Picket Fence," Sheri Rose Shepherd shares how God rebuilt her life after a devastating divorce and cancer diagnosis.

In her book, “The Relentless Courage of a Scared Child,” Tana Amen, wife of renowned psychiatrist and brain health expert Dr. Daniel Amen, shares how...

Selling and taking drugs bound Frank to a life of suffering until he experienced chain breaking freedom and an otherworldly peace.

Dustin discovers God wants a relationship with him amid his addiction, and it is the relationship and love that lead him to something so much better...

BJ admits her self-image and identity were severely damaged after years of sexual trauma and an abortion. Learn how the pain of her past no longer...

Nancy Johnson struggled for most of her life with fibromyalgia, allergies, and overall debilitating health that eventually landed her in the...

One man makes a surprising discovery while attempting to fill the void of a father in his life. Plus, CBN News exposes the next battleground of jihad...

Katherine knew she would miss out on the joy of life if she held on to hatred for the man who shot her father while he was in the line of duty as a...

Stricken with tremendous familial loss, Greg tried to fill the void of wanting nothing more than the love and guidance of a father. Imagine his...

Soon after Kentucky Linebacker Josh Paschal accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior, tests revealed a spot on his foot was malignant melanoma cancer. His...

For over 17 years, Sariah was trapped in “The Game” of human trafficking. Learn how she broke free and became an advocate for enslaved women so they...

Stephanie Wedel’s father was a drug dealer and her mother abandoned the family, which led Stephanie to a life of addiction and promiscuity. Learn why...


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