700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

700 Club Episodes & Videos

Rob and Amanda were an ill-matched couple pursuing marriage in spite of the red flags.

An innocent taste of alcohol as a teenager ushered Steve into a lifestyle of addiction that nearly cost him everything.

Survivor and author Theresa Flores shares her story of trafficking and slavery while living in an upper-middle class suburb of Detroit, Michigan.

Sohan begged his Hindu gods for water for his family and livestock, but nothing changed. Find out what happened when a pastor suggested a different...

San Francisco 49er linebacker Patrick Willis sits down with CBN Sports' Shawn Brown to share the roots of his strong Christian faith.

A thief and an addict, Matthew had made a mess of his life early on, but God was waiting to offer an escape

John suffered with a severe athlete’s foot condition until a prayer on the 700 Club made a difference.

Rose Hackenberg turned to alcohol and drugs to numb the pain of her life as a prostitute, but one night a man on TV helped turn her life around.

Antonio found meaning in Islam, but he didn't find salvation until he met Jesus.

Tune in to ABC Family for 7 Days of Superbook.

Constant family relocations for Tim's work made life miserable for Patti, eroding the marriage to the point of no return.

Without a father in her life, Linda Carter experienced sexual confusion and felt an attraction to women.

Superbook is sweeping across Latin America with a wave of excitement and anticipation for more.

Get to know the story behind The Discovery Channel's Bobby Goodson, the face of Swamp Loggers.

After CBN drilled a well in their village in northwest India, Mannu and her husband converted from Hinduism to Christianity.

Bobby Bowers was a drug dealing, drug using gang member. In prison, his life radically changed after an encounter with Jesus.


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