Family Learns the Bible with Superbook -Steve and Sandra Hogue have their hands full with seven adopted children. The most chaotic part of the day is often just getting the mail. But why all this fuss about mail? Every week we say, “Is there a Superbook?” says Silas.
The Hogues are members of CBN’s Superbook DVD Club, and the kids can’t wait to get the next episode each month. “I like that it’s fun and even older people, like my age, can enjoy it,” says Seth.
That includes even older people – like his dad! “We love Superbook because our kids love it,” says Steve. “I enjoy it as much as they do and I love the quality. I’m a children’s pastor at a church and so I produce videos and some things for my own ministry and so when I see something that’s high quality, I really like that. I love the Biblical content. I love the animation. It’s done very, very well.”
“All of our kids, from our three-year-old al the way up to our thirteen-year-old enjoy watching Superbook,” says Sandra. “And they’ll watch them over and over again. They never get tired of it.”
They’re also fans of the Superbook website. Each of the kids has their favorite game.
“I like to play some of the games like the word searches,” says Selah.
“I like the basketball game,” Silas says.
“I like to play meteor bash,” says Seth.
“I do the crossword puzzle game where you have to read a verse and then try to find words from those verses,” says Stephen. “So we learn Bible verses and stuff from that.”
“On a rainy day, they can’t play outside they can go on Superbook and do their crossword puzzles or whatever,” says Sandra. “And everything’s been fun and challenging to them.”
The Hogues say that while Superbook is great entertainment, it also helps their family learn more about God. “They explain the Bible and explain the lesson to learn about character and that kind of stuff,” Stephen explains.
“We’re raising our children to know the Lord, and we do our daily devotions,” Sandra says. “We’re always growing their hearts towards the Lord as best as we can as parents. What Superbook does is it reinforces it encourages them in a fun way”
Seth agrees. “Superbook is great because it’s fun and it’s funny and it helps us understand spiritual things.”
“Superbook is fun, cool and exciting!” says Simon.
With seven kids in the family, they have their differences, but they do agree on one thing. “Superbook is fun!” Sammy says.