Being the Remedy: Ministry Profile
I’m at the Global Christian Internet Alliance this week at Mt. Hermon Christian Conference Center near San Jose, California. I will be highlighting ministries that are making a difference through Internet ministry and evangelism.
The first ministry is
Connecting Those in Need with Those that can Help.
Every city has needs. Often these needs go unmet because the message doesn't get out. There are those who want to help, but don't know how. beremedy is an organization using social media to connect those in need with those in their community who can help.
To explain who they are and what they do, beremedy tells people, “We don’t do money. We don’t do services. Sorry, no fundraising either. Too much gray area there. We like to stick to tangible goods. We like to help with the day-to-day stuff people need. We’ve been the remedy with everything from alarm clocks to tires, even food to refrigerators.”
Founder Blake Canterbury explains, “Lots of people have lots of stuff they want to donate, but want to make sure it gets to someone who needs it. Our jobs is to find that someone who needs it.”
Via Twitter and Facebook, beremedy relays messages of need efficiently and receives responses instantaneously. Help is in the hands so much faster than traditional methods.
CNN spoke on the three reasons that Twitter is here to stay is beremedy, calling the organization one of the top Twitter organizations in the world. beremedy plans to expand nationwide. They will announce what cities they will launch in next, to their email subscribers and Facebook page.
To learn more, go to
Or like beremedy on Facebook:
beremedy onTwitter:!/beremedy
Here are some FAQ’s from
I know someone who really needs your help. Where do I contact you guys?
We have forms for this type of thing. Click here if you are an individual or here if you are from an organization. Fill out the form and let the remedying begin!
I’ve submitted a need. What now?
The elves are working on it. No, just kidding! You’ll be hearing from us within 48 hours whether or not we can help. Our team reviews needs as they come in and check to see if they fit within our parameters.
You’ve approved my need. What’s the next step?
Congratulations. We’re excited we can help. Now we’ll be tweeting, texting, and posting this need. Take a seat and hold on! Be on the lookout for emails or phone calls from us. We’ll be setting you up with someone that can help.
I’m part of a business who would love to help out. What can we do?
We say “bring it on”! We love teaming up with other organizations. The more the merrier! Organizations we work with keep an eye out for a need that they could help with and then jump on the chance to meet a need! If multiple people within your company follow us, than you’ll always have a direct line to what we’re looking for.
Well, great page. But, you still didn’t answer my question. Who can I contact?
Sorry about that. Unfortunately no one on the team comes equipped with ESP and we’re sure we left a few unanswered questions. Email:
I’ve submitted a need and haven’t heard back yet. Did it get lost in cyber space?
Oh no! We sure hope not. If you submitted a need on the weekend, then that might be why you haven’t heard back. If not, then maybe that same gnome that steals the socks in your dryer nabbed your need. Try submitting it again. Best of luck and we’ll try and track down that pesky perpetrator!
Learn more at
beremedy on Facebook:
beremedy onTwitter:!/beremedy
Learn more about the Global Christian Internet Alliance:
Internet Evangelism Day is May 15, 2011: Learn more at
More from the Internet Evangelism Network:
Learn more from my book, NetCasters: Using the Internet to Make Fishers of Men
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