Christian Living

ScottRoss 04/16/08

Idol, Extortion, Blowhards, and an OOOps

Hello all,

In response to the deluge of e-mail comments I received regarding the performance of "Shout To the Lord" on the American Idol TV show last week, a friend e-mailed this bit of background information:

"Do you know the story behind 'Shout to the Lord'? Darlene Zschech needed one more song to 'fill out' her CD. She sat down and wrote that song in one short sitting… taught it to the choir and they recorded it… The producer (Russ Fragar) told me once that they'd selected another song on that album to be THE song… and this one EXPLODED when the CD was released! He said they never imagined something like that would happen, but that song is what put the Hill Song Church on the map!

Interesting how God does stuff, isn't it?"

In some recent business dealings with contractors, car dealers, real estate agents, and my reactions each time I pull up to a gas pump, or have to deal with the airlines, these thoughts have popped into my mind:

"Do you know what I want? says the Lord ….balanced scales. Dishonest scales are an abomination to the Lord, but a just weight is His delight. The Lord hates cheating and delights in honesty" (Proverbs 11.1)

The Latin word extortion would apply here, which is defined as "twist." Extortion is an unjust exploitation of people who are unable to defend themselves for whatever reason. It is largely motivated by selfishness and greed. And we wonder why our economy and the nations are in trouble.

On a related matter:

We are supposed to pray for all those in authority. Here is my prayer in regard to some current politicians who hold office and the Presidential race: "Let his days be few, and let another take his office." (Psalm 109.8)


I used to be on radio for many years and loved it; often more so than television; now, however, I almost but never listen any longer. In addition, I find it difficult to watch television with the constant barrage of commercials and talking heads. The cacophony of "blowhards" is deafening. Some thoughts:

"Don't talk so much. You keep putting your foot in your mouth. Be sensible and turn off the flow! When a good man speaks, he is worth listening to, but the words of a fool are a dime a dozen. You will give account for every idle word you speak. By your words you will be justified and by your words you will be condemned." (Proverbs 10.19-20; Matthew 12.36-37)

And less I add to the dissonance, my prayer for me: "Help me, Lord, to keep my mouth shut and my lips sealed." (Psalm 141.3)

Ah, yes, the "sounds of silence!"

Not everyone will be interested in the following recommendation; but for those who might be interested in Church history over the last one hundred years, The Charismatic Century is a great and informative read.

Co-authored by Jack Hayford, pastor, author, and hymn composer, with a good friend of mine, David Moore, pastor, lecturer, and writer on the history and theology of the Pentecostal and Charismatic movements, this book tells the story of a century long spiritual rainfall.

As the book tells us, this has been and is, as it continues, "the most profound event in modern church history."

I have been fortunate enough to have experienced many of the events described here and have known many of the men and women who God used to impact the nations. "Let it rain!"

(The Charismatic Century - The Enduring Impact of the Azusa Street Revival  - Jack Hayford and S. David Moore - Warner Faith - Time Warner Book Group)


Last week I sent out one of these missives to you folks, inadvertently sending it with open addresses rather than the blind copies which is our practice. Many of the addressee's have asked that their names and addresses not be published. Some due to security reasons. I apologize that this occurred as I consider that trust to be sacrosanct. I ask that those of you who may be tempted to exploit these names and e-mail addresses for whatever reasons, please restrain yourself and honor the privacy of the persons and companies unintentionally disclosed.

Thanks for your understanding, prayer, and ongoing comments,

Scott Ross

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