Christian Living

ScottRoss 07/11/08

John and Patsy Ramsey Vindicated

John and Patsy Ramsey’s daughter, 6-year-old JonBenét, was found murdered in their Boulder, Colo., home on December 26, 1996. From the outset there was a firestorm of reaction to the case, and the Ramseys were under constant suspicion and intense media scrutiny.

As of July 9, 2008, new DNA evidence has cleared John and Patsy Ramsey and Jon Benet’s older brother Burke of the crime. As of this date, the search for the real killer is still underway.

In June 2000, I was given the opportunity to conduct an interview with the Ramseys, but for reasons I explained to John Ramsey in correspondence following our interview, I was hesitant about the assignment.

I am publishing some of those thoughts here for the first time, with John’s response.

Dear John & Patsy,

On a personal note, I believe I told you when we were together in Atlanta that initially I was a bit reticent to do the interview. There were a number of reasons for that. One perhaps was that I felt in some way I would pick up some of the "weight" of what you are carrying. In a selfish, self-serving way, with a dose of self-preservation thrown in, I didn't want to take that on. Although, certainly I will never be able to fully empathize with the "hell" you have gone through. However, God still has people around whom He asks to pick up some of the burden that others are suffering.

"Share each other's troubles and problems, and in this way obey the law of Christ. If you think you are too important to help someone in need, you are only fooling yourself. You are really a nobody" (Galatians 6.2-3).

This, among other things, makes an "intercessor" – an intercessor being someone who stands in the gap on behalf of someone or something else, and petitions God on their behalf. I have been experiencing that since we met. So, if this is part of the assignment (beyond journalism), it looks like I have the job!

"A reliable reporter is a healing presence" (Proverbs 13.17, The Message).

Of course, by no means am I the only one praying for you. As members of Jesus' Body, His Church, you are not in this alone.

As I prayed with you and Patsy while we were together and on the air, we are asking the Lord for justice, and His truth to "will out," and that the "hidden things will be revealed."

Proverbs 17.26 : "Any story sounds true until someone sets the record straight."

We asked The 700 Club viewers and CBN.com users to join us in praying for the Lord to reign down justice and righteousness in this case and reveal the truth.

Scott Ross

 John Ramsey reply:

Dear Scott,

Thanks for the prayers! We know they are working. Patsy had a tough day with the Boulder prosecutors (not so much the police, they were pretty decent), so I don’t know if much was accomplished. We have firmly placed this in the Lord's hands, and acknowledged that we know He has a plan and we will keep showing up each day and try to do what He wants.

Thanks again for your prayerful support.

John Ramsey


Some months later my wife Nedra and I spent personal time with the Ramseys. We prayed with them and at that time believed them to be innocent.  

I’d also like to thank CBN management for taking the risk to air the interview and for taking the heat at the time.

Patsy Ramsey lost her battle with cancer in June 2006.

Scott Ross


My interview with John & Patsy Ramsey took place in Atlanta, Ga., on Wednesday, June 21, 2000.

During the two-part interview, Patsy Ramsey discusses her accountability to God, while John is having sleepless nights coping with the murder of their daughter and the harsh public scrutiny.

The JonBenet Ramsey Case ... Open or Shut? (Part 1)

By Scott Ross, The 700 Club


The JonBenet Ramsey Case ... Open or Shut? (Part 2)

By Scott Ross, The 700 Club

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