TheMorningFive 09/24/08
Space Elevators, the Creationism Critic, an Acutal Mind-Rinder, Missions and More ...
Here's the latest five ...
To the Moon ...
In what sounds like a sci-fi novel plotline-meets-the Tower of Babel, officials in Japan are outlining a plan to build an elevator to outer space. The plan is to build a 22,000 mile elevator using nano-carbon cables attached to a satellite that would transport occupants and supplies into space. Japan is hosting a conference in November to discuss the enormous technical challenges of building such a huge structure and set a timetable for when they will have the machine completed.
The Mind-Reader
In other science fiction-meets-reality news, the Department of Homeland Security is testing a machine that can read your mind—sort of. The MALINTENT (is it just me, or does that sound like the name of some killer robot in a Terminator movie?) uses super-sensitive sensors that measure non-verbal cues like heart rate, facial expressions and body temperature. The machine then processes the information to determine if the person’s data matches that of someone that poses a possible security threat.
Two Thumbs Up for Creation ...
Fim critic Roger Ebert is at the center of debate (of sorts) concerning evolution and creationism. Over the weekend, he published this strange (and out of character) Q&A discussing several points that support a belief of creationism. The article set off a firestorm of debate across the Internet ...
... Not So Much
Today, he posted this follow-up to the story that explains he wasn’t trying to defend Creationism after all. He said that the article served as more of an experiment to gauge reader’s perception of satire. He said, “But the purpose of this blog entry is not to discuss politics (a subject banned from the blog). Nor is it to discuss Creationism versus the theory of evolution (that way lurks an endless loop). It is to discuss the gradual decay of our sense of irony and instinct for satire, and our growing credulity.”
Although the post provided for some interesting discussion, his purpose still seems a little bit buried. I think perceiving satire and being able to use irony is becoming an increasingly lost ability—but his post concerning Creationism, a belief many people regard an essential part of their, almost seems to objectify the topic. But after reading his follow-up and explanation, I do agree with part of his resolution (although his whole experiment still seems a little bizarre).
In a heated political season, where personality and fashion reasons seem to trump the actual issue, this quote seems to be fitting: “These days, there is no room for ambiguity, and few rewards for critical thinking. Now every word of a politician is pumped dry by his opponent, looking for sinister meanings. Many political ads are an insult to the intelligence. Here I am not discussing politics. I am discussing credulity.”
YWAM on Nightline
The evangelical organization Youth With a Mission (YWAM) is at the center of controversy involving infanticide occurring in native tribes in Brazil. The missions group says that the Brazilian government is not doing enough to prevent the practice among native tribes that kill babies who are born with birth defects. The tribes, many of which do not have access to Western medicine or understanding of certain ailments, are accused of killing babies suffering from treatable conditions. The Brazilian government and some advocates for the indigenous people groups are accusing the missionaries of exaggerating the problem and say they pose a threat to the ancient cultural.
One activist gave this quote to ABC News’ Nightline: "I'm not going to defend infanticide," said Fiona Watson of Survival International, a group that defends the rights of native tribes all over the world. "But I think you have to understand," she said, that in the context of Indian culture, "it's not considered murder."
YWAM is currently raising awareness about the issue and trying to convince the Brazilian government to pass legislation that will prevent the practice.
To the Moon ...
In what sounds like a sci-fi novel plotline-meets-the Tower of Babel, officials in Japan are outlining a plan to build an elevator to outer space. The plan is to build a 22,000 mile elevator using nano-carbon cables attached to a satellite that would transport occupants and supplies into space. Japan is hosting a conference in November to discuss the enormous technical challenges of building such a huge structure and set a timetable for when they will have the machine completed.
The Mind-Reader
In other science fiction-meets-reality news, the Department of Homeland Security is testing a machine that can read your mind—sort of. The MALINTENT (is it just me, or does that sound like the name of some killer robot in a Terminator movie?) uses super-sensitive sensors that measure non-verbal cues like heart rate, facial expressions and body temperature. The machine then processes the information to determine if the person’s data matches that of someone that poses a possible security threat.
Two Thumbs Up for Creation ...
Fim critic Roger Ebert is at the center of debate (of sorts) concerning evolution and creationism. Over the weekend, he published this strange (and out of character) Q&A discussing several points that support a belief of creationism. The article set off a firestorm of debate across the Internet ...
... Not So Much
Today, he posted this follow-up to the story that explains he wasn’t trying to defend Creationism after all. He said that the article served as more of an experiment to gauge reader’s perception of satire. He said, “But the purpose of this blog entry is not to discuss politics (a subject banned from the blog). Nor is it to discuss Creationism versus the theory of evolution (that way lurks an endless loop). It is to discuss the gradual decay of our sense of irony and instinct for satire, and our growing credulity.”
Although the post provided for some interesting discussion, his purpose still seems a little bit buried. I think perceiving satire and being able to use irony is becoming an increasingly lost ability—but his post concerning Creationism, a belief many people regard an essential part of their, almost seems to objectify the topic. But after reading his follow-up and explanation, I do agree with part of his resolution (although his whole experiment still seems a little bizarre).
In a heated political season, where personality and fashion reasons seem to trump the actual issue, this quote seems to be fitting: “These days, there is no room for ambiguity, and few rewards for critical thinking. Now every word of a politician is pumped dry by his opponent, looking for sinister meanings. Many political ads are an insult to the intelligence. Here I am not discussing politics. I am discussing credulity.”
YWAM on Nightline
The evangelical organization Youth With a Mission (YWAM) is at the center of controversy involving infanticide occurring in native tribes in Brazil. The missions group says that the Brazilian government is not doing enough to prevent the practice among native tribes that kill babies who are born with birth defects. The tribes, many of which do not have access to Western medicine or understanding of certain ailments, are accused of killing babies suffering from treatable conditions. The Brazilian government and some advocates for the indigenous people groups are accusing the missionaries of exaggerating the problem and say they pose a threat to the ancient cultural.
One activist gave this quote to ABC News’ Nightline: "I'm not going to defend infanticide," said Fiona Watson of Survival International, a group that defends the rights of native tribes all over the world. "But I think you have to understand," she said, that in the context of Indian culture, "it's not considered murder."
YWAM is currently raising awareness about the issue and trying to convince the Brazilian government to pass legislation that will prevent the practice.