Christian Living

TheMorningFive 10/14/08

2008 Heroes, Missional Living and Cheap MacBooks

Need an escape from all the depressing financial news and non-stop political coverage? Here’s a list of links of some other interesting stories on the Internet today that offer a departure from the economic/political media freight-train:

According to this report, Religulous filmmakers Bill Maher and Larry Charles purposely duped some of interviewees in the comedy/documentary that attempts to debunk organized religion.

“Can video games be a force for good?” That’s what this story from the UK newsmagazine ChristianToday.com asks.

CNN has released its list of the "Top 10 Heroes of 2008". Anderson Cooper will host a primetime special that will air on Thanksgiving, but you can go here to read about the individuals being honored. It’s always cool to see deserving people getting recognition.

Understand the Gospel, Be Friendly and Show Patience are all part of these “10 Tips for Missional Living.” The slide-show (which features tips and explanations of how they can be applied), is now up at Beliefnet.com.

Slate examines the slow rise in young men wanting to become monks and the monastic lifestyle’s appeal to generation-Y.

And for all the geeks … today Apple released its $999 MacBook.

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