700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

After Years of Shoulder Pain, a Prayer is Answered

Brigette Rock - 700 Club Producer

There are few things that would keep Abelina Martinez from her garden.

“That's my therapy,” says Abelina. “I call it that because I love working in the yard, doing
stuff. I take my Bible out there and just read on it, you know, and just admire how God

But in July of 2018, working in her garden resulted in a painful injury while she
attempted to trim a tree.

“I was cutting and cutting. And I cut all the branches. I said, ‘All right, thank God I'm
done with this thing.’ I got down and my husband said, ‘Are you all right?’ I said, ‘Yeah, I
just – I just hurt.’ And he said, ‘Well, take it easy.’ Then I realized what I had done.”

Abilena had injured her shoulder.

“I was just hurting bad. And I thought, ‘well, it's okay, it'll be over tomorrow. I'll feel better tomorrow.’ I thought it was just something that would go away. But then by the next day, you know, I thought, no, no, no, uh there's more to this because it was hurting more.”

After several days of pain Abelina went to her doctor.

“I thought maybe I pulled something. And sure enough, he said, ‘Well, it's just a pulled muscle, it'll be okay.’ He gave me some relaxers. He said, ‘Once you start taking this,you'll-you'll be fine in a week or so.’"

A week later Abelina was still in pain.

“I went back, and he said, ‘Well, there's nothing I can do. It will get rid of itself, in time.
Give it time.’ But it didn't go away.”

For three years Abilena experienced pain and her range of motion in the shoulder was severely restricted.

“My pain that I had was all like right here. And it would go to my, like to my neck and down, you know. When I tried to go, even just like this, it would just hurt like up and all the way down. The only thing that I would take it every once in a while, when I couldn't stand it was Aleve. I don't know what else to do, you know, so I didn't do anything else.”

It got to the point where Abilena couldn’t enjoy working in her garden like she always had. By then, she realized the only one who could help, was God.

“I kept praying and I kept praying. I would say, ‘Lord, I can't take this crazy thing
anymore. I got to do stuff, Will you please just take this thing and put it together? I
mean, you made me, you know, so you just put me together like I'm supposed to be. 
And I know you can, and I know you want to, so I'll just wait on you, but I'll let you do it when you have time, not in mine.’”

And as a CBN Partner and viewer of the 700 Club, Abelina hoped for a word from God.

“And so, I thought, ‘I’ll watch it and I know one day maybe God will show somebody

Then one day while she and her husband Vic were watching The 700 Club, Pat
Robertsont had a word of knowledge about someone’s shoulder. “Just reach out and
touch that shoulder and move it and it’s right back in place, and all the pain will leave in Jesus’ name.”

“And I received it and I told Vic, I said, ‘Ah, that's me! That's me! That's me!’ And I
started, just moving my arm, all excited and everything. We were excited all day and I
thought, ‘Oh, wow.’ Now. At first it was a little sore, but then I said, ‘No, no, no, no. I
know it's me.’ So, I got it and I received it and I had it and I've still got it. You know? So, praise God. Yes!”

Today Abelina remains pain free.

“I believe God has something special for each and every one of us. If we trust and we keep praying and hanging in there, He'll come here every time.”

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