A Dangerous Correlation - E.T., Occultism, and the Truth

Some twenty-five years ago, a Stanford astronomy professor surveyed members of the American Astronomical Society. The subject: UFOs. About 1,300 astronomers respondedand what they said sheds light on the kind of people who believe they encounter UFOs.
Although nearly all so-called UFOs can be explained by natural causes, a small percentage can't be. Hugh Ross, himself a Christian, an astronomer, and the author of a book titled Lights in the Sky and Little Green Men, says researchers call these unexplainable phenomena "residual UFOs." In the Stanford study, sixty-two astronomers, or 5 percent, said they'd seen residual UFOs. But here's the interesting part: Astronomers with just a few observation hours per year witnessed UFOs, while those logging more than a thousand hours per year saw nothing.
This reverse correlation "demonstrates that something besides observing time determines who sees" UFOs and who does not, Ross writes. The most important factor, according to Ross, appears to be the activities these astronomers pursue. Those who are deeply involved in cultic, occultic, or certain New Age pursuits often see UFOs, whereas astronomers who avoid those things do not.
Twenty years of study have led Ross to believe that the principle is universal. Whenever he says this on television or on the radio, he hears from people who claim they're the exception. But upon deeper investigation, Ross writes, it turns out the person actually is mixed up in some way with occultic or New Age activities.
To support his thesis, Ross points to documented cases in which several people are together at an event, but only some of them witness the UFO. Some will see the UFO and react both physically and psychologically, Ross writes, while others "see nothing and experience nothing."
According to Ross, these UFO encounters "strike witnesses with intense fear, distress, and anxiety." Others experience nightmares, visions, hallucinations, and personality changes. Significantly, Ross writes, "Many who have had close contact with a residual UFO adopt new belief systems." He points to the many UFO-related cults and religionscults whose teaching deny the divinity of Christ and the need for a Savior.
For these reasons and many others, Ross is convinced that the so-called UFOs are actually evidence of demonic activity. He points to Scriptures that warn that demons can attack only those who, through their pursuits and friendships, invite them. This, of course, is exactly what the victims of UFO phenomena do.
Skeptics often claim that UFO events are simply hoaxes. Ross agrees. But humans may not be the perpetrators. The nature of these UFOs, and the impact they have on people, are far beyond human capability. Witnesses instead appear to be the victims "of a hoax perpetrated by superhuman authors," according to Ross.
You might want to read Ross's fascinating book, Lights in the Sky and Little Green Men. It gives a rational look at UFOs. And then, the next time your kids watch a film about "friendly" aliens, or read about the latest UFO sighting, share Ross's concerns with them. If Ross is right, there's nothing friendly about these so-called aliens.