Christian Living

bootsontheground 08/26/08

NBC Journalist Rescued

Here's something you probably didn't see on the nightly news yesterday. At least not if you were watching CNN.

After two months as a hostage in the Iraqi city of Basra, CBS journalist Richard Butler and another journalist were rescued by Iraqi Security Forces.

Wow, sounds like news to me. How come this isn't all over the airwaves? Maybe because the media mavens have already determined that nothing good happens in Basra.

It's not surprising, then, that they also missed some of the other good things happening in that city. Such as:

Iraqi army distributing food and water to the citizens of Basra

Iraqi Special Operations Forces killed 14 and captured 12 Iranian-funded terrorists in Basra the week of April 10.

About 1,000 Iraqi men stood in lineoutside the Iraqi Army recruiting office in Basra April 1, all wanting to join the new Iraqi army.

The news exists to report the out-of-the-ordinary. Maybe that's why they ignored the rescue of Richard Butler - because this sort of rescue is becoming commonplace as the Iraqi security forces get better at beating the bad guys.

Or maybe it's because this is an election year. Whatever the reason, there are now at least a couple more journalists who fully appreciate the professionalism and dedication of the reconstituted Iraqi army.

Let's hope more can learn that lesson without having to endure two months of captivity.

Read Between the Lines

Unlikely Rescue

Mainstream Media Mind Control

Eleven-year-old Back at Home

Chuck Holton

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