Christian Living

bootsontheground 11/25/08

Outnumbered 10-1, Marines Win Battle

Back in August, I traveled to Afghanistan with Oliver North and the Fox News crew.  During our time, North and friends spent a week with the 2/7 marines in the south-western part of the country.  These incredibly tough warriors impressed everyone with the way they overcame incredible heat, brutal living conditions and almost daily insurgent attacks and actually gave the impression that they were enjoying themselves. 

On November 18, a platoon from 2/7 was patrolling to open up a supply route in Farah province.  The thirty of them had already moved more than ten kilometers.  Take it from me, having been on these patrols, ten kilometers in that environment will make you feel like you've been shot out of a cannon and drug behind a train.  But the enemy, in an extremely inconsiderate move, didn't give the Marines any time to rest before hitting them with an ambush - 250 taliban fighters who had bragged to the local townsfolk that they would annihilate the infidels. 

Only the infidels weren't cooperating.  The Marines laid down an intense base of fire and immediately began moving on the enemy positions.  Through a hail of RPG's and machine gun fire, USMC snipers picked off the enemy one by one.  The firefight lasted for eight hours.  When it was over, the Taliban was routed, over fifty of them lay dead, and the Marines had sustained a grand total of ZERO serious casualties. 

I'm sure the Marines are hoping the Taliban will send a larger force next time, just to make the fight a little more sporting.  OOORAH. 

My question is this:  Why don't these stories make front page news?

Chuck Holton

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