700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

Bringing Clean Water to Community Devastated by Storm

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Melissa Verwey - 700 Club Producer
Dan Reany - 700 Club Producer

Imagine turning in for the night, only to wake up to the deafening noise of water rushing your way. That’s what happened in Chimanimani, Zimbabwe, after Cyclone Idai struck.

Tumalibo explained, “When I woke up there was no bridge, no houses, no people.”

In between two rivers, massive rocks now lay where houses once stood. More than 4,000 people were displaced. Even homes on hilltops couldn’t withstand the storm.

Idah said, “Our whole community was affected. We aren't able to help each other because we all lost everything.”

The storm left most water sources badly damaged or contaminated.

“This water means death for us,” said Idah.

Operation Blessing distributed water filters and chlorine tablets to prevent the dirty water from causing another wave of devastation. The filters and chlorine tablets will last until the wells are repaired, and that will save many people’s lives.

Tsanangurai said, “God has had mercy on us.”

Mary added, “I am so happy that I am now going to drink safe, clean water. Thank you to our friends for coming to our rescue.”

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