Bask in God’s Radiant Light

You are radiant with light, more majestic than mountains rich with game. (Psalm 76:4 NIV)
I love this translation of that verse. God is radiant with light! When I think of that word radiant, I think of a light that is full of colors and just pulsing with life. Sometimes in the busyness of our lives, it’s easy to forget how marvelous God is. Our spiritual senses grow dull, and our awareness of God can fade into the background. We lose sight of that radiant light.
But as the lyrics from the familiar hymn by Helen H. Lemmel (1922) read:
Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in his wonderful face,
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,
in the light of his glory and grace.
Can you imagine life without light? Our bodies need the sun to function properly. Light dispels darkness, both physically and emotionally. We depend on light to guide the way. Psalm 119:105 reads: Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.
So, when darkness seems to press in around us, when that light has grown dim, maybe the best course of action is to look to God’s Word.
Instead of merely rushing through Scriptures trying to meet your quota of chapters for the day, relish it. Dwell on it. See God’s glorious face in it. Read until you find that one word or phrase that really sparks something in you—that word that lights up, full of life.
Then pray about that word throughout the day. Meditate on it. Mull it over. Ask God to speak to you His truth about how this simple word or phrase should impact your life.
God is radiant light. Let’s ponder just those words again for a moment. A shimmering light, casting out the darkness, full of a rainbow of colors. In God’s word, we see and feel His radiant light. We bask in His presence. After all, what good are lifeless words on a page without the Holy Spirit to enlighten us and help us rightly understand these precious gifts from God?
Why not give it a try? Read just a few verses and bask in God’s eternal light.
Let me end with a quick little poem I wrote years ago on this subject:
I am giddy with the words of God
that flow like amber wine.
They are honey sweet, delicately spiced,each one a world to itself,
alive and teeming, sparks flying,
glimmering in multi-faceted rays,a rainbow of truth to touch each heart
with the idyllic shade of light.
Otherwise, too bright, white hot,
like gazing into the sun.
What Scripture or specific word has stood out to you recently? Take time to dwell on it and bask in God’s light.
Scripture is quoted from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
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