
Perhaps it is because I see so many people who are plagued with self-doubt, guilt and self-recrimination. It may be because so many of my clients slip easily into depression and hopelessness. For myriad reasons, people are terribly hard on themselves.

While I’m aware that many believe we are a self-absorbed nation, focused solely on doing whatever feels good at the moment, I’m also aware of so many people who, at their deepest level, don’t like themselves. 


Well, I took a week off from ChurchWatch, and what a week it was. While I was away (getting married, by the way for those who have not heard), Todd Bentley announced that he and his wife were filing for separation. Last Friday, the board of Fresh Fire Ministries announced that Todd had "an unhealthy relationship" with a female staff member during the revival. At the same time, Senators Obama and McCain decided to meet with Pastor Rick Warren to talk religion. Oh my!


There are more than 500,000 tourists in Beijing right now, and shopping is definitely one of the favorite pastimes.  With so many products, vendors, and tourists flooding the markets, it’s important to pick a strategy and to stick to it.  Beijing’s Hongqiao Market is a great place to find great deals, and hone your shopping techniques. You can experience the more subdued atmosphere of the 4th and 5th floors at places like Sandy’s Pearls, where bargaining takes a b


As you know, we here at The Brody File pride ourselves on laying out both sides of an argument and letting you, the readers come to your own conclusions. Hence, let’s delve into the aftermath of the controversy surrounding Barack Obama, the National Right to Life committee and The Born Alive Infant Protection Act.


The Brody File put together a short piece on Saturday's Compassion Forum where Barack Obama and John McCain talked about - among other things-  their Christian faith and their personal failures with mega-church Pastor Rick Warren. Click play to watch.


I never realized that experiencing the Olympics from Beijing would do so much to heighten my patriotism while simultaneously increasing my admiration of some sports that might not be as appreciated in the U.S. While millions of Americans were glued to the TV screens watching Michael Phelps, between China’s CCTV and the Filipino satellite, I’ve seen a lot of badminton, ping pong, weightlifting, and shooting. But there’s really nothing like seeing the competitions in person, c


Some random thoughts regarding Pastor Rick Warren's candidates forum last Saturday evening.


Gary Bauer, President of American Values, spoke to me about Sen. Barack Obama's appearance at the Compassion Forum at Saddleback Church.  And he believes that the chancesof Obama winning a significant percentage of the Evangelical vote "ended" after the during the forum in part because of his answers on abortion and Supreme Court Justices.  Bauer believes the event may end up being "one of the defining moments of the campaign."


I don’t think we should get into who won or who lost the Saddleback Civil Forum. That isn’t the proper way to judge an event like this. Instead, it’s more importantly to look at each candidate’s individual performances and asses it as it relates to what they were trying to accomplish. Let’s start with John McCain. We’ll deal with Barack Obama in a separate post.


After the Compassion Forum ended at Saddleback Church Saturday night, I caught up with Kansas Senator Sam Brownback to get his thoughts on Sen. John McCain's performance.
