Christian Living

chinaconnection 08/19/08

If Shopping Were an Olympic Sport

There are more than 500,000 tourists in Beijing right now, and shopping is definitely one of the favorite pastimes. 

With so many products, vendors, and tourists flooding the markets, it’s important to pick a strategy and to stick to it.  Beijing’s Hongqiao Market is a great place to find great deals, and hone your shopping techniques.

You can experience the more subdued atmosphere of the 4th and 5th floors at places like Sandy’s Pearls, where bargaining takes a backseat to relationships, or bargain hard on the first three levels, where you can find just about anything.

For many, it’s all about the deal.  The vendors can be aggressive in trying to lure you to their shop, so buyers need to be equally alert. 

Acting disinterested, or walking away when you don’t get what you want on your terms are key to this strategy.  Besides, there are almost always many other people selling the exact same thing who are willing to negotiate.

For others, forming relationships with the sellers is far more successful.  Often, these relations develop over time, as both the buyer and seller begin to trust one another. 

Even if you have no intention of returning, sometimes being friendly, rather than arrogant, can go a long way.  Of course, even if you use the relationship technique, if you feel like you’re paying too much for something, you probably are. 
There’s really no adequate way to describe the energy of the market, as thousands of tourists try to get high quality products at the lowest possible prices.  Watch the video for a small taste of the shopping experience, and some tips to getting the best deals.

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