
After the Compassion Forum ended at Saddleback Church Saturday night, I caught up with Kansas Senator Sam Brownback to get his thoughts on Sen. John McCain's performance.


It seems like Barack Obama’s heated answer about The Born Alive Infant Protection Act is making some headlines out there. The Brody File has decided to break out this clip of video by itself rather than having you sit through the whole 5 minute interview. The transcription is below. Clearly, the conversation over this bill has gotten Obama riled up. He truly believes The National Life to Right Committee is lying about this controversial infanticide bill which he opposed. He is adamant in s


I have had many emails about when the big Civil Forum starts. It starts at 8pm eastern time. It goes for two hours. Barack Obama is on from 8p-9p and then McCain from 9p-10p. On TV, you can watch it on CNN or FOX News but you can also watch it live right here on CBNNews.com.


The Medevac Helicopter banked sharply over a chaotic scene being played out on the road below. The charred and twisted hulk of what had been an armored Humvee lay smoldering, surrounded by a circle of debris thrown up by the blast that destroyed it. Soldiers crouched alongside the road, scanning the surrounding hillsides for the Taliban snipers which had opened fire on them after the IED detonated.

‘God Does the Miracles’: Crowds Flock to Florida Teen Who Claims Healing Powers  Apocalypse Now: Floods, Tornadoes, Locusts Weather of Biblical Proportions Sets off Debate among theologians and Scientists Christians Wrong About Heaven, Says Bishop 

Today I’m introducing a new segment to the Morning Five: The Friday Playlist. Every Friday, I’ll post a new rundown of songs for you to rock-out all weekend long with links to listen the songs and to purchase the album if you really dig it. (And remember, if you really want to support the artists, I encourage you to buy the album.)

Here’s what I’m listening to now …

Friday Playlist:

Dustin Kensrue – "I Knew You Before"


I discussed the resurgence of terror training camps in northwest Pakistan in my piece yesterday on the state of Al-Qaeda. Here's more from our friend Bill Roggio at The Long War Journal:


The Brody File put together a 2:30 minute piece for The 700 Club today previewing Rick Warren's Compassion Civil Forum starring John McCain and Barack Obama coming Saturday night. You can watch it above.


Rick Warren knows all about the criticism coming from fellow conservative Christian leaders. You know…he’s too soft on liberals or he ditches the abortion and marriage discussion in favor of causes near and dear to the hearts of progressives. Here’s how he responded to me during our one on one interview at Saddleback Church.


Rick Warren has his critics from both the left and the right. Watch him address them above and read the transcription below. It is part of my one on one interview with the mega-church pastor in advance of his Compassion Civil Forum at Saddleback Church Saturday night.
