
The 2008 campaign is being fought not only on the campaign trail but also on Godtube.com. The Clinton, Obama and McCain camps all have uploaded videos to the site to reach out to people of faith.


If Hillary Clinton wins big among White Catholics, she could win Tuesday’s Pennsylvania primary by double digits.  This primary is a big deal for Hillary. She really needs a big win to show that she has the momentum. A double digit win will give her more credibility when she tries to make the case to super delegates that Barack Obama’s “bitter” and “cling to religion and guns” comments were a big time blunder and that he does not have what it takes to win


I guess Michael Moore won’t be invited to the Hillary Clinton presidential inaugural ball. (If it EVER happens) The liberal (I’m sorry...Progressive) actor has made his choice; he’s for Obama. But the way he ripped Hillary on his Web site today is striking. Read below:


Maybe John McCain shouldn’t have sought and accepted Pastor John Hagee’s endorsement. Those aren’t my words. That is what John McCain is saying. Read below from ABC News:


First it was Hillary Clinton. Now it is John McCain taking shots at Barack Obama over his relationship with 60’s radical Bill Ayers. Read more about the Ayers controversy here   and watch John McCain criticize Obama about Ayers here.  Read more from The Associated Press below.


On Saturday evening, the first night of the week-long Passover holiday, millions of Jews in Israel and around the world gathered for the Seder meal to retell the story of the Israelites miraculous deliverance from more than 400 years of Egyptian slavery.


style="margin: 0in 0in 12pt">Have you ever noticed that there is virtually zero terrorism in Kuwait?  It's true - try and find the last time a suicide bomb went off in that country.  The reasons why hold great promise for Iraq. Kuwait is floating on nearly 100 billion barrels worth of oil.  That's what makes this otherwise desolate wasteland one of today's wealthiest nations.  Kuwaiti citizens reap the benefits in a big way - in addition to deriving income from the oil prof


Follow the Pope as he travels across America. And as Christians gather in stadiums across America on Saturday, April 26th for a national day of prayer and repentance, under the umbrella of 'ReignDown USA,' GOD TV will be in Washington, D.C. to broadcast the event direct from the National Mall.


Barack Obama had a quick--and effective--comeback for Hillary Clinton during Thursday night's Democratic debate when she criticized Obama's relationship with former Weather Underground leader William Ayers (see my post from yesterday for more background). He pointed out that the Senator's husband, former President Bill Clinton, granted clemency to two members of the Weather Underground in 2000. NRO's Jay Nordlinger took a look at those commutations back in 2001:


Barack Obama took some heat during last night's Democratic debate from both moderator George Stephanopholous and Senator Clinton for his relationship with William Ayers.
