
The baby weighed one kilo. He was so very tiny. His cry was so faint, only someone within arms length could hear it. Standing there in the field hospital in Lui in south Sudan, I marveled that the little guy was still alive.


From SARs to bird flu, China's had its fair share of medical scares.  Now a new outbreak of hand-foot-and-mouth disease (HFMD) has caused a new wave of panic nationwide.  Nationwide, nearly seventeen thousand children have been diagnosed with this highly contagious disease this year, and 28 have died from it, according to the latest numbers. 


After a long night working hard in old San Juan, The Brody File was up and running this morning making an appearance by phone on The 700 Club to discuss the state of the Democratic race. Watch above.


We should call this week, "Social conservative week" for John McCain.


This was just sent to me from Barack Obama's religious outreach team. They are excited about winning an even greater share of the religious vote within Indiana and North Carolina. Read below from their Religious Outreach Director Joshua Dubois:


Today, John McCain delivers a big speech where he's speaking out about the horrible practice of human trafficking. However, according to the Congressional Record back on November 15, 2001 he complained about a $200,000 earmark that would have gone towards promoting a human trafficking conference in Hawaii, something the White House was pushing at the time.


We stopped by a Hillary Clinton watch party in San Juan, Puerto Rico Tuesday night. About 50 people were there. The folks here are excited about the fact that Puerto Rico will have a significant say in this Democratic race. Of course, will Hillary call it quits before Puerto Rico? Either way, watch the video of supporters above.


As you know, The Brody File is in Puerto Rico and we wanted to give you a sense of what it's like here in San Juan.  We were in Old San Juan Tuesday night where the Obama campaign went through the streets here handing out flags and literature to locals. The Obama and Clinton teams each have around 20-30 folks working for them down here.


Can we just give it to you straight here at The Brody File? Now that Hillary Clinton lost North Carolina by double digits and barely won Indiana, Clinton can continue to make her case to the super delegates all she wants.  She has an overall narrative to sell but let's face it: time is running out and right now "time" is the one element that has at least the fleeting chance to save her. Why? Because she needs Barack Obama to make a mistake. She needs another "bitter" co


Hey Brody File readers. I have made it to San Juan, Puerto Rico. The Brody File assumes that this race between Clinton and Obama is going to make it here to Puerto Rico so we have come down here to tell that story. In essence, the story I'm working on is a "Puerto Rico Primary 101" piece that will air on the 700 Club in a couple weeks. Watch The Brody File for video from Puerto Rico this week.
