
Christian leaders around the country are deeply concerned about how the next Supreme Court ruling on marriage could affect religious liberty.


Marriage wasn't the only focus on the National Day of Prayer. Americans gathered at some 43,000 prayer events from coast to coast to seek God for this nation.


FBI Director James Comey warns ISIS' influence is on the rise in the United States, saying young recruits are being drawn in by the group's slick, online messages of war.


For the people gathered Thursday for the National Day of Prayer at McPherson's First Christian Church, concern for America's future and a plea for the Lord's forgiveness were high on the agenda.


A Christian student at Polk State College in Winter Haven, Florida, claims a professor gave her failing grades because she wouldn't criticize her faith.


The faith community finds the U.S. government more difficult to work with than most other world governments, Pastor Rick Warren told Congress Wednesday.


Millions of Americans are gathering to pray for the nation Thursday on the annual National Day of Prayer. This year's theme is "Lord, hear our cry," which comes from I Kings 8:28.


The entire Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, is being read aloud this week on the steps of the U.S. Capitol.


Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton says she would take immigration reform policies even further than President Barack Obama has.


Residents from Texas to Nebraska are grateful to be alive after numerous tornadoes carved paths of destruction across America's heartland.
