700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

Changing the World With a DVD

Elizabeth Fischer - 700 Club Producer

Gayle considers herself an evangelist—always looking for ways to spread the Gospel.

“If God sends somebody within a hundred-yard radius, they are going to hear about the Lord,” Gayle laughs.

Since the mid 70s she and her husband Bob have partnered with the 700 club. Around 2009, they first gave Superbook to their grandchildren.

Bob says, “We’d share the Superbook with them and we’d sit and watch it ourselves and we were so impressed by the professionalism of it, and these are stories you don’t have to be a believer to get the message.”

“And it’s concise and it’s simple, but it’s fun,” says Gayle.

Gayle even learned that Superbook was an excellent tool for sharing the Gospel with adults and


Gayle says, “I found out inadvertently that the American distributed Superbooks also had Spanish and I thought, ‘Wow, this is terrific.’”

They continued to share Superbook with neighbors.  They even sent them overseas—hundreds to Cuba for an evangelist friend who passed them out to families everywhere.

“They took Superbooks to almost every city in Cuba,” says Gayle

Bob says, “And we got excellent feedback from it, that not just the kids, but the adults seemed to like it as well.”

“I think if you can plant that seed in anyone, a child or adult, that will come to fruition because it’s God’s word,” Gayle says.

From their family, to their community, to the world, Bob and Gayle know they’re spreading seeds of the Gospel through handing out Superbook.

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