Christian Living

Spiritual Life


Sharing the good news of God's love for humanity and inviting others to accept and believe in Jesus Christ's life, death, and resurrection.

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Bible Teachings on Evangelism

If we don’t approach our family members with an authentic concern for the state of their soul, then we really don’t have much reason to expect them...

Who would have thought, as this century drew to its close, how "evangelistic" people would become? People are evangelists -- sometimes loud and...

Questions about Evangelism

The one true church is the universal body of believers everywhere who have given their hearts to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. That is the only...

We must have unity where those who truly love Jesus Christ will love each other and try to work together. Even though they may differ over techniques...

COVID-19 has heightened everyone’s senses to at least three important things that we already know are true.

I have often thought the greatest evidence of God's grace is not that He saves us, but rather that He actually puts such flawed creatures in...

What happens to people who die and have never heard about Jesus?

Devotionals about Evangelism

Your story holds great power, and it has the potential to lead others to faith and freedom. Perhaps you have been fearful in the past and God has...

When we live this life with the understanding that this is not our final destination, that heaven is waiting, and that Jesus could come back at any...

Ask God to equip you with his wisdom and understanding, and enable you to preach his gospel to every tribe, toungue, and nation. As Jesus...

All of us are called to be disciples of His Word. However, before we set out to speak and educate wherever and however God directs, we must first...

Every day presents opportunities to shine our lights to the world. This devotional author reminds us that in every season, let's be on the lookout...

All Devotionals on Evangelism

Videos about Evangelism

Evangelism Week 04

Evangelism Week 03

Evangelism Week 02

Evangelism Week 01

Missionary Heidi Baker is live on the 700 Club to bring awareness of the impact Iris Global is having on persecuted Christians around the world and...

All Videos on Evangelism

Articles on Evangelism

An Indonesian boy's alcoholic parents experience deliverance after his Superbook inspired prayer is answered.

From the streets of Chicago to a relationship with God, Preston Perry shares how God pursued and revealed the truth of the Bible to him. In his book...

Galina and her mother, Tatiana, immigrated to Israel to escape the rocket attacks that damaged their home in Ukraine. Having arrived with only the...

When YuTong’s mother made a red dress with the words "long life" embroidered on it, she never expected YuTong to face the life-...

Christ’s birth was not a random event but was orchestrated by God for an exact moment in time.

All Articles on Evangelism
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