Christian Living

chinaconnection 09/10/08

Baby Born in Bird's Nest Bathroom

China's famed Bird's Nest has been the site of many monumental events over the past few weeks, like Usain Bolt's incredible record-smashing sprints.  Just because the Olympics are over, however, doesn't mean the venue is completely devoid of excitement, however. 

Yesterday during the Paralympic events, Jinghua Shibao reports some volunteers found a newborn baby girl, just moments after her mother had given birth.  The mother had fled the stadium, and authorities still haven't located her.

The baby was rushed to the ICU of Beijing Maternity Hospital, and though she's in an incubator, she remains in stable condition, and is able to eat.

While authorities hope to find the mother, at the very least this unusual birth, and the media hype surrounding it, should help facilitate her adoption.  Over the past few years, the stigma surrounding adoption in China has substantially decreased, and thousands volunteered to adopt orphans after the May 12 earthquake.  

Granted, only one or two of those orphans have been successfully adopted so far, and the system is still developing.  On the other hand, all of these children have already survived so much, and if they're strong enough to weather these storms, they should have a bright future ahead of them.       

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