700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

The 700 Club - June 7, 2011

Tomasa shares her story of heartbreak living in an abusive marriage and Paula didn't realize that the sting she felt was actually a deadly spider bite.


He wanted me to look like a Barbie doll. I had a breast augmentation. I was having plastic surgeries. But that's not all her husband wanted. He told me, "You could be an exotic dancer." True confessions from a former stripper. Well, welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to this edition of The 700 Club. A new Washington Post poll is out, and guess what? George Romney is running ahead of the sitting president . Mitt Romney. Not George. That was his daddy. Same family. All right. George is my generation. Mitt is the younger one. Mitt Romney is running ahead of the man in the White House by a narrow margin, but that's rather significant. And the people in America are saying the economy is on the wrong track. Well, some controversy. You can imagine the ACLU is at it again. Several high schools across America will no longer hold their graduation ceremonies in a church or Christian location, all because of pressures from, you guessed it, the anti-Christian, anti-religious union. Well, in New Jersey, Neptune High School has settled with the ACLU, which complained that its graduation in a Christian camp auditorium violates the First Amendment. Heather Sells has the story. For generations, Neptune's seniors have graduated in this historic building owned by a Christian camp. Most students can walk to the great auditorium, and unlike any other local venue, it seats 6,500 people. Neptune High School has been graduating its seniors here for more than 70 years. And as far as anyone knows, it has never had a first amendment complaint until now. Neptune Superintendent David Mooij says a community member, backed by the ACLU, complained last year that the graduation violated the First Amendment. The complaint alleged that Neptune endorsed religion in both its program and venue in the program, the hymn "Onward, Christian Soldiers" and a student-led prayer, and a cross outside and two religious signs inside caused the venue to be offensive. The school district immediately agreed to scrub the hymn and the prayer. And it recently agreed to use banners to block the interior signs and not light the outside cross. I think the whole matter is about people's rights to a point of view, people's right to express their opinions. It's whether those rights and whether those opinions can impact a total community. Bottom line, says Mooij, the school district wanted to keep its tradition and avoid a costly court fight. It would have been money that would have been spent on legal fees rather than on instructional programs. For many in Neptune, the tradition was the priority. They've been doing the ceremony there for years, and I think they should continue that. And the complaint about the signs? I think it's utterly ridiculous and they need to get a life. The ACLU told CBN News it was declining all requests for interviews. But in a statement, it commended the settlement, saying it "will allow students of all faiths and backgrounds to enjoy their graduation ceremony without feeling like outsiders based on religious differences." ACLJ attorney Vincent McCarthy helped advise the school district and says the ACLU's claim that Neptune's ceremony would endorse religion doesn't line up with current case law. If a pastor were to get up and lead a prayer at the beginning of graduation, or if there were to be some sort of religious service at the same time, that would constitute endorsement. But merely holding a graduation in a church facility does not constitute an endorsement of religion. And McCarthy says watch out. He believes the move to strike graduation ceremonies from religious facilities is just beginning. The end goal: drive an even bigger wedge between church and state. It's a campaign that could change graduation for an untold number of students, their families, and their communities. Reporting in Neptune, New Jersey, Heather Sells, CBN News. The ACLU has made it clear what their goal is. It's to take all vestiges of religion from the public life of America. That's what they want to do; all vestiges of religion whatsoever. This is a nation, as was said in Zorach versus Clauson, whose institutions presuppose the existence of a supreme being. We can't deny God. God is in the charter, the Constitution, of every single one of our 50 states—every one there is a mention of God. And to have these atheists, a few atheists, say, "We're offended by that," tough luck. Tough luck. If you don't like what's being shown on television, use your clicker and change channels. Well, so much for that. Wendy Griffith has the rest of our top stories from the CBN Newsroom. Wendy. Thanks, Pat. Well, remember the bump in the polls President Obama received after the death of Osama bin Laden? It's all gone. But disapproval of his handling of the economy has reached new highs. An ABC News/Washington Post poll shows Americans put Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney and Mr. Obama in a virtual dead heat in a general election. Eighty-nine percent of Americans say the US economy is in bad shape. Fifty-nine percent disapprove of the president's economic policies. President Obama says turning things around will take more time, while Romney is calling for change. Now, we've got a ways to go. There are going to be bumps on the road to recovery. He could talk a dog off a meat wagon, all right, and yet he hasn't delivered. High gas prices, falling home values, and the continuing high unemployment rate have all contributed to Americans' pessimistic outlook on the economy. And, Pat, those were some fighting words from Mitt Romney. Well, I'm glad he's getting fighting, because I think right now he's more of a place holder for the Republicans. He's kind of like, okay, he's the face of the Republicans. And so what the American people are saying is a strong Republican like Mitt Romney is the man. Some of the other candidates don't come out quite as well as he does, but nevertheless, he's a very attractive person, and he's been around for a while. But whatever it is they don't like Obama, because Obama doesn't understand economics. He's never run a business. Never run a business. Never created jobs in his life. And here is this huge economy. He doesn't know what to do with it. And what he's done over the last couple of years is to attack those who create jobs. He has gone after them over and over again, then he wonders why the American people don't like business. I was reading today, or yesterday I should say, about the travails of one company with a law known as Sarbanes-Oxley. It was a terrible law. You can't blame Obama for it, because it came in before him. But nevertheless, this one company said, "It's going to cost us three million dollars to comply with Sarbanes-Oxley in order to make our company ready to go public." And so the number of public, what is called IPOs, initial public offerings, has dropped precipitately here in America. We are killing our entrepreneurial spirit. And it's not easy in America. So many people say, "Well, I'd rather list in London. I'd rather list in Hong Kong," or some other country, and get out before a group of investors that's not constrained by these incredible regulations that our government has put on them. Well, Wendy, there's a man who says, "I'm going to change that." Indeed, Pat. Republican presidential candidate Tim Pawlenty. He's offering a plan for an overhaul of the tax system today. The plan would change income tax rates. Households who didn't pay income taxes last year would see no change. Individuals would pay 10 percent on their first 50,000 dollars of income. Couples would pay 10 percent on their first 100,000 dollars. Everything above that would be taxed at 25 percent. Pawlenty says he would also cut the business tax rate from 35 to 15. The former Minnesota governor also says that the government should not be involved in any service that is available privately, such as the Postal Service or mortgages. He says America must not just cut tax rates, but promote freedom and free markets. What do you think, Pat? Well, I think he's got a good point. We are the highest taxed country in the world in terms of business taxes. This is horrible. When you add the federal taxes, plus state taxes that businesses have to pay, its way ahead of anybody else, as much as 50 percent to 100 percent more. So where are businesses going to locate? They're not going to locate in America, because we're making it too hard for them. So the median around the world is 25 percent. We've got in excess of 35 percent, then we add state taxes, and so we're getting up close to 50 percent on businesses. You say, "Well, soak it to the business." No, it's going to come out of your pocket, because you will pay for the products they provide. And if they're not around, then there won't be the job that you want to put food on the table. Wendy. Pat, the International Monetary Fund has a suggestion for Great Britain, "If your economy doesn't improve, you might consider cutting taxes." The IMF expects a moderate recover in Britain. But the London Telegraph reports the IMF is also concerned Britain's economy could run into some serious problems. If that happens, the agency says tax cuts for businesses and individuals would be a better move than increasing government spending. Well, critics say a California textbook is covering up the truth about Islam. The controversial history books are used in a San Diego school district, and one group says they are full of errors about the Muslim religion. Efrem Graham has the story. Michael Hayutin, of the group ACT for America, says this textbook called World History, Medieval to Early Modern Times, teaches students a false view of Islam. After careful analysis, he and several colleagues say the book contains 22 errors about the meaning of jihad, polygamy, and slavery in Islam. He wants that changed. If the school is going to bother to teach about Islam, they should do it as history is, according to the facts. If they want to romanticize it, they can put it in fairy tales. Tesheen Lazzouni disputes Hayutin's claims, saying he has his facts wrong. Maybe there might be a verse talking about war, but then failing to quote the verse right after that that talks about peace. She points out school administrators approved the textbook and argues it should be left as is. I honestly think that they are using this world history issue as a pretext to malign and discredit Islam and Muslims. Hayutin vehemently rejects claims that he or his group are anti-Muslim. What can I say? We aren't. They can make any accusation that they want to make. Meanwhile, he says teachers should instruct students about the errors in the book. Efrem Graham, CBN News. The state board of education is reviewing his analysis of the textbook. Europe's deadly E. coli outbreak continues to claim victims. In Germany alone, over 2,300 people have been infected by the bacteria. But a recent report shows the number of new cases is declining, a sign the epidemic may have reached its peak. Nearly 650 are facing serious kidney complications, and at least 22 people have died because of the outbreak. Officials thought they had located the source of the E. coli: sprouts from a German farm. But now, they're backtracking on that theory. Well, those long, annoying airport security screenings could soon be replaced by iris scans and microchips. That's the goal of the International Air Transport Association. The airline industry group has introduced a new biometrics system to save passengers time. It calls for putting a microchip in passports. Passengers would undergo an iris scan, which would be matched against information on that chip, then travelers would be sent through one of three 20-foot tunnels. They would be subjected to different degrees of searches, depending on the level of security risk. Airlines want the new system in place within five years. That's pretty ambitious, Pat. Well, it is. And once again, it's Big Brother. That's what we've got to, quote, "keep us safe." At least we're not being groped. Well, at least. But that's electronic groping of a major magnitude. Anyhow, ladies and gentlemen, if you've got crazy people running around the world trying to kill you, I suppose you give up a certain amount of freedom. The American people seem to overwhelmingly in favor of that. Nevertheless, nevertheless, we must be terribly careful about surrendering our liberty in the name of security. Terry. Well, up next, a former Muslim dares to marry a Christian, against her parents' will. I was cured from cancer. And God actually made my parents change their mind, so that I could marry my husband, and I could live the Christian life that I wanted to live. Hear how Muslims are crossing over to Christianity in the land down under, after this. Plus, log on to CBN.com if you have a question for Pat. Our chat room is open for business, and we're going to "bring it online" later in the program. Still ahead . . . . He wanted me to look like a Barbie doll. I had a breast augmentation. I was having plastic surgeries. But that's not all her husband wanted. He told me, "You could be an exotic dancer." True confessions from a former stripper, coming up later. Society was telling me that, "You're beautiful. Sex sells. Use your body. Use your face. Use what you've got." You never know when, but thieves can steal your identity. And I can save you 15 percent today if you open up a charge card account with us. You just read my mind. Just one little piece of information, and they can steal your credit, your money and ruin your reputation. That's why you need LifeLock relentlessly protecting your personal information to help stop the crooks before your identity is attacked. Credit monitoring is not enough to protect your identity and only tells you after the fact. But LifeLock's advance ID alert system directly notifies you, protecting your identity before you become a victim. No one can stop all identity theft. That's why you need the security of our one-million-dollar service guarantee. Call now to try LifeLock risk free for a full 60 days. If you're not completely satisfied, notify LifeLock and you won't pay a cent. Call 1-800-637-5998 or go to LifeLock.com to try LifeLock risk free for a full 60 days. Use promo code, "RISKFREE." Call 1-800-637-5998 now. LifeLock guarantee cannot be offered to residents of New York. Coming up tomorrow . . . . . . . . a home invasion. The loudest sound you could ever imagine. A man's wife and two sons perish. I took several rounds at the arm and the shoulder. I took one round in the right cheek. And his own daughter is one of the culprits. The detectives were saying Aaron was the mastermind, that she was the evil one. When I heard that, I just lost it. On tomorrow's 700 Club. Australia, "the land down under." It's becoming a popular destination for Muslims leaving Asia and the Middle East. It's especially close to Indonesia which is considered the largest Muslim country in the world. Well some Aussies say that their troubled about the growing Muslim population. But many Christians in the land down under see it as an opportunity. Gary Lane brings us that story from Sydney. Forty years ago you would rarely see Muslims on the streets of Sydney or Melbourne. Only about 20,000 lived in Australia at the time. But that has changed in the years since. As Muslims from neighboring Indonesia and the Middle East have sought refuge and opportunity down under. (Sydney, Australia): There may be as many as half a million Muslims now residing in Australia. When many immigrate here they'll settle into neighborhoods that are exclusively Islamic. They have little chance or opportunity to hear the Gospel. But that's starting to change. Al Hayat Television, also known as Life TV, is an Arabic television channel broadcasting Christian programming in Australia and other parts of the Muslim world. It was launched in Australia by this man, former Muslim, Michael el Masry. He started the channel with his own limited finances and persevered despite fierce opposition from the Islamic community. El Masry told CBN news Al Hayat TV Australian airs Christian programs in a way that Muslims understand. It's so important for a Muslim that we expose his religion. We love him as a man, we love her as a woman and they are beautiful people. But they are deceived. Yes, had many threats. But you're not afraid anymore? No, because the Lord protects. I believe in a special mission like that, the Lord will provide extra protection. He died for them. They deserve the message of salvation. Who is going to give them the message? And Australian Muslims aren't only hearing the good news on the television airwaves. Former Muslims recently attend Christian worship in Arabic at this church in Sydney. Ali Bazzi has pastored here for nearly two years. The church is called, Al-Obour which means "crossover." Most members are Muslims who crossed over or converted to Christianity. Some come here secretly because they fear being discovered by Muslim family members. Several attendees have received death threats for leaving Islam. Because the religion from the Koran encourages you to harm people. Those back sliders, or we call it in English, apostasies, they are doing something good to the Lord if I kill you, to Allah. Pastor Bazzi admits he's received many death threats since becoming a Christian. But he says he won't stop proclaiming the Gospel. Bazzi spent his youthful years as a radical Muslim in Lebanon. A Muslim friend who converted to Christianity introduced him to the Bible and Jesus. I like the personality of Jesus Christ. The way they present Him from the Bible. How He used to share with people, healed them, fed them. I said, "Mom, I'm a new man and she said, 'If there is a God able to change Ali, I want to believe in Him." All my family became Christians except my dad. They are now serving in the Australian church. His brother is an active leader, and his sister leads worship. Helena, a former Muslim from Egypt, migrated to Australia after converting and accepting Christ. She explains why she left her country. The national security police were coming to my house to take me away. They could kill me. They could torture me. They could torture my sister. They could do terrible things. She also experienced the rejection of a loved one and societal condemnation. I felt like I lost my identity. I don't know who I am anymore. Helena says she was strengthened by a scripture verse that lifted her spirits. "Come to me who you are, weary and a heavy burden, and I give you rest." The only way God can reveal to me or I can receive even His peace and joy is only through Jesus. Former Muslim Alya came to know Christ after she married a Christian. Her parents initially didn't want her to marry outside the faith. They changed their minds after Alya was healed of lymphoma because of the prayers of Christians. I was cured from cancer and God actually made my parents change their mind so that I could marry my husband and I could live the Christian life that I wanted to live. And despite ongoing pressure from Australia's Islamic community, these former Muslims continue to share their testimonies with Muslim immigrants and others. And if you turn on your television here, you're likely to see Al Hayat TV beaming its way over the airwaves and into Aussi living rooms. These former Muslims say, "God's word will continue to penetrate hearts everywhere and especially ‘down under.'" Gary Lane, CBN News, Sydney. Very, very interesting Gary. Thank you for that remarkable story. Unbelievable. Well, up next a desperate housewife who began moonlighting. I didn't want to do it, and I was embarrassed, and I didn't want to show my body. I was always wanting to please him. Why this young wife became a stripper when we come back. When you look in the mirror, can you imagine erasing years of aging? 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So, when she's ready for college, the money will be there. And it doesn't take a lot of money to get started. For as little as $10 a week, you can start saving for college and get guaranteed growth. Just call now. Oh, it's a life insurance policy too. Oh, that's different. And if she decides not to go to college, there's no penalty; so she can use the money for anything. We've got to get started. Yes, we do because you're going to college. Call 1-800-886-6882 for your free information. That's 1-800-886-6882. To see this week's top on-demand videos, go to CBN.com. Imagine, if you can, a husband pressuring his own wife to work in a strip club. It's shocking. But that's exactly what happened to the woman in our next story. It shattered her world and turned her into someone she didn't even recognize. I always had bruises on my cheeks, on my arms. I felt at the time it was wrong, like how could he do that to me? Why would he hurt me? Why would he make me cry? But I just let it happen. I thought that my love would change him. Tomasa Gugliemi fell in love young, and she fell hard. She was just 14 years old when she met her high school sweetheart. It was my first boyfriend. My first love. He was just giving me love, giving me attention, and that's something that that I yearned for. By the time Tomasa was 16, she and her boyfriend were sexually active. But that wasn't Tomasa's only secret, she also hid her boyfriend's anger. He started being really, really controlling, and "You're the only girl for me, and if I can't have you nobody else can have you. I thought I loved him and thought that this is just a phase. He'll stop doing what he's doing what's he's doing. But he couldn't change him, and the abuse didn't stop. We broke up. My mom told him you're not allowed to come over here. He was upset and one day he just came to my house in his car, and he came knocking at the door. When she came outside, he kidnapped her. He just grabbed me and threw me in the car, and he took off crazy; and I just remember screaming and crying and trying to get out of the car. He held my body in and held me by the hair and said, "You're going to die tonight, and if I can't have you, nobody can have you. She managed to jump from the car and run home. He was arrested and sent to jail. I was glad to be done with it. But when he got out of prison and contacted her, Tomasa got sucked back into the relationship. I thought maybe he had changed, and everything was all good in the beginning. He wasn't being abusive, and we were having fun, and he was being perfect. They married when Tomasa was 21, but just one year later the abuse started again. I just had to do whatever he said. Now it was kind of worse, because I was his wife, so now I really belonged to him. He wanted me to look like a Barbie doll. I had a breast augmentation, and I was having plastic surgeries. He wanted me to be what he wanted, not what I wanted. Even with all the changes, her husband still wasn't satisfied. He had a new request. He wanted her to strip. I'm thinking, "What?" I had never even been to a strip club. I was hurt because I thought that if you love somebody, why would you want someone else to see their body. I was always wanting to please him. So she started stripping. I was just afraid of him, and I could tell him I didn't want to do it, and I was embarrassed, and I don't want to show my body. I was really scared and nervous. She also began drinking. I hated doing what I was doing, and the alcohol made me not care, not think about what I was doing. And at home the abuse only got worse. Finally she had had enough. I got so freaked out that I was like, "Oh my God, what if he accidently kills me?" I just said I gotta get out. I gotta get out of here. Tomasa left her husband, and two years later their divorce was final. I just felt like I got married; I thought marriage was so sacred. Tomasa managed to hold down a regular job for a while and did some modeling on the side but eventually went back to stripping for easy money. Society was telling me that you're beautiful. Sex sells. Use your body. Use your face. Use what you've got. Tomasa hated who she'd become. I said I'm tired of this life, and I'm tired of dancing. I hate my life. And I just cried out to God, and I said, "Just please get me out of this situation. A few days later Tomasa met a young actor named Noel at a modeling event in Vegas. The two started a long distance relationship. After a few weeks of talking, Noel called her up and made a confession. He said I've always had a struggle with God. I really want to get my life together. I want to be happy. I want to serve God, but I know it's hard. I don't know if I can do it by myself. And he said, "I'm going to a seminar. It's a Christian seminar. Do you think that maybe you'd want to go? Tomasa went with Noel. She heard a woman share her testimony of coming to Christ and leaving her job as a stripper. The girl came up to me, and she said God told her to come to me and talk to me. And that's when I knew this was God. I just remember crying and saying this is time. I need to give my life to God. I need to stop doing what I'm doing. That's the day that I got saved. After that I couldn't go back to dancing. Since being saved I never went back to anything. God healed me overnight. Noel also accepted Christ as his savior during the seminar. Just one month later, he proposed to Tomasa. Today they are married and serving God together. I always felt like I was alone. I always felt lonely; and now being saved, God said, "You were never alone. I was always right there." God wants to be the one to fill our cup. He wants to be the one that we cry out to. You know, I cried out to God and said, "Help me, I can't do it anymore. I need a way out. Show me." And He did. And I'm glad He did it when He did it. He offers you a way out. What is your prison? Who's got you down? Is that a relationship? Is it a marriage where you feel like a slave? Is it a job where you are being asked to do things that are illegal or underhanded? Is it something like Tomasa? She was out in the sex business. Are you doing something like that? Whatever it is God says look, "I love you. I love you." The God of all the universe loves you. And you say, "But you don't understand, Lord. You don't know what I've been doing." And He says, "Yes I do understand. I was there with you all the time. I saw you when you were involved in sexual activity. I saw you when you were stripping. I saw you when you were drunk. I saw you when you were taking drugs. I saw you when you were beating up people. I saw you and I know about you, and I love you, because you were created in my image." Now let me ask you this. Do you want freedom? Jesus didn't come to put you in bondage; He came to set you free. Freedom. Him the Son sets free shall be free indeed. He's going to set you free today. What I want you to do is to ask Him. As I speak to you right now, I want you to bow your head. I want you to pray this prayer I'm going to lead you in. I want you to say these words but I'd like you to mean them in your heart. Right now say these words and mean them, "Lord Jesus Christ." That's right, pray with me. "Lord Jesus Christ, you know the things that I've done that are wrong. You were there when it happened. There's nothing that I can hide from you because You know everything. And so I come to you, and I expose before you all the sin in my life. And I say, "Lord, please forgive me. Please forgive me as I turn away from sin. I'm going to turn from that life, and I'm going to turn to You. So Lord Jesus right now, I take you as my Savior and I make you Lord of my life. From this moment on I am yours and thank You that You are mine." Thank you." Now for those who prayed that prayer with me just now, I want you to do something. I want you to get started. You say, "Well I've prayed a prayer." Yes, you have but that's the start. That's the beginning. But you need to know what do you do next? What happens next? Well, I have a CD, it's called "A New Day" . . . . . . . . 73 minutes of concentrated teaching on what just happened to you, what it means to have a new life in Christ. About what it means in case you sin, how you repent. And what about the Second Coming? What about the baptism in the Holy Spirit? It's in there. Plus a little booklet, called "A New Day." It's got all the Scriptures that are taken from that teaching. We'll send it to you free. All you have to do is pick up the phone. It's not a penny of expense in any of it except just calling. It's a toll-free number. Call and say, "I prayed with Pat; I gave my heart to Jesus." And the angels of Heaven are rejoicing, because you have come to the Lord. Go to your phones right now please and say, "I just prayed with Pat." If the lines are busy, be patient and call back. There's somebody here who loves you. 1-800-759-0700. Terry. Coming up later a woman is bitten by one of the deadliest spiders in the world. She went into multi-organ failure, heart failure, lung failure, kidney failure. And several times the family was called in thinking that she wouldn't make it through. See how she recovered after being told she had only one night to live. You're just thinking about one thing, the money and your selfish means and what you want. And when you're' at that place, you're at a dangerous place. When I should have been killed in the streets, He didn't allow it to happen. He showed me mercy even when I didn't deserve it. When I realized how much God loved me, that compelled me to love Him back. It compelled me to love Him back. My name is Roger Stump, and I'm a cancer survivor. The surgeon said it's inoperable. "It's already in your liver." My wife, Brenda, sat there and cried; and I'm thinking, "I can't die right now. I'm only 52 years old." I was so distraught. I've heard Cancer Treatment Centers of America have experience with pancreatic cancers. It was like night and day. The hospital just breeds an environment of hope. You get a CT scan, and the next morning the results were read to you. We'd go up there; I just knew it was going to be a good result. You could just see the joy on Dr. Granik's face. Call now and we'll show you how the most compassionate people anywhere put you at the center of everything we do. Together, we'll explore real treatment options you may not even know exist. Cancer Treatment Centers of America. It is such a different place, because they give you hope. I would strongly urge you to call them and get a second opinion. Please call today. Welcome to Washington for this CBN Newsbreak. President Obama says this will be a summer of transition for the U.S. in Afghanistan. The President plans to begin withdrawing troops in the next few months. He says that it's time for the Afghans to be responsible for their own security. But both general David Petraeus and outgoing Defense Secretary Bob Gates urged caution. They say that any gains in Afghanistan are fragile. The US has roughly 100,000 troops in Afghanistan right now. That's three times as many as when Obama took office. A Florida homeowner has foreclosed on Bank of America. Five months ago the North Carolina-based Bank of America filed foreclosure papers on the home of a couple that already paid for their home in full with cash. They never even had a mortgage payment. After a court hearing Bank of America was ordered to pay couples legal fees. The money never came, so the couple's attorney seized the bank's assets. Desks, computers, copiers, filing cabinets, and the cash in all the tellers' drawers were removed from the bank. After being locked down for an hour, the bank manager wrote a check for the homeowner's legal fees. You can always get the latest from CBN news by going to our website at CBN news.com. Pat and Terry will be back with more of The 700 Club right after this. What makes the miracles of Jesus even more miraculous? Standing where they happened, in Israel. Come visit Capernaum where Jesus restored a paralytic's helpless legs. Sail the Sea of Galilee where Jesus walked on the water. Stroll through the Garden of Gethsemane where Jesus healed a servant's ear. To learn more about standing where it all happened in Israel, visit www.goisrael.com. Come visit Israel. When you look in the mirror, can you imagine erasing years of aging? That's what I used to look like. Lifestyle Lift takes only about an hour. See the difference immediately. I'm Linda. I'm 70 years old. Can you believe it? Call now for a free information kit. It's quick, affordable, and takes only about an hour. Lifestyle Lift, a breakthrough medical procedure that helps remove wrinkles, frown lines and sagging skin. Call now for a free information kit. Consultations are free. Call Lifestyle Lift today. Coming up tomorrow, a home invasion. The loudest sound you could ever imagine. A man's wife and two sons perish. I took several rounds at the arm and the shoulder. I took one round in the right cheek. And his own daughter is one of the culprits. The detectives were saying Aaron was the mastermind, that she was the evil one. When I heard that, I just lost it. On tomorrow's 700 Club. Well, the brown recluse spider is tiny, less than an inch long. But it packs a lethal punch. Just ask Paula Murph. Five years ago she was bitten by one. But I had extreme pains in my leg and in the open wounds. The open wounds were absolutely unbearable. Elementary school teacher Paula Murph's pain came after she was bitten by one of the deadliest spiders in the U.S., and she didn't even realize it. It was an October day, warm weather. We were on the playground. I was sitting at the table and noticed there was an ant bed. But they had already gotten on my feet, so I had shrugged them off. And after recess went back in the classroom and noticed that one area bothered me more. She thought it was just an ant bite until it got worse. With the red ant bite, it's a sting and then it itches. This was a sting and then a throb. And it got worse. After several days she went to the doctor who determined it wasn't a bite from a red ant but from the deadly brown recluse spider. Her doctor started her on antibiotics, but the wound kept getting worse. The brown recluse spider is one of two spiders in the U.S. capable of killing a person. The other is the female black widow. When treated immediately with antibiotics, most have no problems. But Paula had waited, and the venom was killing her soft tissue and spreading through her body. Her doctor sent her to a surgeon. They go in and they put you in the operating room. They cut away the deteriorating skin. She went through months of antibiotics and treatments where doctors performed skin grafts over the wound site. It seemed as if Paula was getting better. I had a good period of time there, about six months, but then when it hit, it hit with a vengeance. A latent infection attacked her body. It damaged her heart, and ultimately she had her aortic valve replaced. But then her organs began to shut down, and she was put in an induced coma. Her family doctor closely monitored Paula's case. She went into multi-organ failure, heart failure, lung failure, kidney failure; and several times the family was called in thinking that she wouldn't make it through. But all through the ordeal, Paula's family spread the word for people to pray. People all over the world joined her family and friends in prayer. Her sister, Carolyn, sent out specifics prayer requests. I would pray and send out the prayer requests on a specific need, and then I'd go back the next day to visit her and it would be met. So really the needs were met daily. The prayers really started flying. And there was a lot going on in my room. They were allowing people to come in and see me and prayers going for me and people touching me, and loving me, and praying for me. Her sister called the 700 Club for help. I remember calling the CBN prayer line. And a counselor was so gracious and she prayed with me. And she prayed for my sister and her needs, and it meant a lot to me that day. Then one night the family was called in to pay their last respects, but to everyone's amazement, Paula pulled through. And when I went back the next day, first thing the nurse said to me was, "I believe Mrs. Murph is only here today because of prayer." And I said, "Absolutely right." I woke up the next morning, and my sister was there, my husband was there, my son was there, and my daughter had gotten in. I said, "Well, this has been a ride, but, hey, I'm not hurting. Something's going on." You don't see that very often when somebody's that close to dying and comes back around. It was just truly a miracle I think." It was like miraculous turnaround. In a span of maybe 18 hours, Mom had taken a complete turn for the better. And that's when I got a taste of how powerful prayer was. Today Paula loves spending time with her family and telling others how God healed her. God is in the miracle business still, no matter how big, no matter how small. And I learned how to be still and know that He is God. You know, we like to say around here that you're never too dead for a resurrection. God is available for you and your needs today. What an amazing story! On the brink of what we would see as hopeless, and death being the obvious, and God said, "No, I've got another plan." That's right. Death is not the worst thing in the world. If you know Jesus, it takes you into paradise, so that's not the worst thing. But God had more for that lady to do. Her time on earth was not over. I have an answer to prayer here. This is Lisa. She lives in Brooklyn, New York. She dealt with leg pain that extended all the way from her hip to her ankle. She had that for a year. The entire area was swollen. The condition affected her walking. She was diagnosed with a torn meniscus in her right knee, and the doctor wanted her to have surgery. Then on March 24th of this year, she was watching this program and Pat, you said, "Touch your knee, it's been hurting. Right now the meniscus is being healed in Jesus' name." So Lisa did that. She claimed the healing for herself. When she woke up the next morning. there was no more swelling; and the pain was completely gone after a year of that kind of pain. I didn't know about Lisa or her meniscus, but God knew about it. This came to us from Fort Collins, Colorado. There's a Roger, traveling the rodeo in the 1950s. When he was 19, he was thrown from a horse and injured his vertebrae. Later he took two more damaging falls, and by the time he was in his 30s, he had compression fractures and several chipped vertebrae that caused constant pain. Last April, Roger heard Terry give the word, "You have a tremendous problem with your lower spine. It's painful. God is touching and healing you right now." Roger said, "That's me." He took it, and he's had no more pain. I would counsel people rodeoing is not the way to go. Now, you've been thrown off your horse a time or two, I have to say. Yes, but not a bucking bronco. Well, that's true. Yes, I've been thrown a couple of times, but the Lord spared me. Gracious. Gracious. Let's pray together. Whatever your need is, folks, there is nothing, nothing impossible with God. He loves you. He knows you. He created you, and He can fix you. "Lord, we join together. Oh, God, oh, God, people suffer right now. There are people in this audience who are hurting right now." There is somebody who has an inflamed liver. You're having terrific problems. Your liver just needs to be rested, and God is healing it right now. And whatever it is you're assaulting that liver with, stop. Terry. There's a woman, you've been praying for a long time about someone. You've come to the end of your rope, and God is speaking to you today. Your name is Sandra, and He wants you to know He knows you. He's heard your prayers, and He is at work in that situation. Trust Him. Then there's somebody else. You've suffered from Tourette's syndrome for many years and been embarrassed by that many times. God is touching you right now and healing that. You're just going to feel this sort of warm relaxation come over your body and not have those urges again. There is a woman named Laura. She's a widow. She's getting foreclosed on her house. She doesn't know what to do, and she's calling out to the Lord. And God Almighty right now, Laura, He has heard your prayer. And you're going to receive an answer. You're going to have a miraculous deliverance from the problem at hand. God is going to give you a way out. Someone else, you've got polyps in your throat, and God is healing that condition for you. You're going to clear your throat. It's going to be gone, in Jesus' name. Somebody else with a lung condition, congestion. The Lord is setting you free. Just put your hand on your lungs in the name of Jesus. On your chest, I should say. And just cough. In Jesus' name, be healed. Now, all over this audience people are crying out for finances. They're crying for their marriages. They're calling about their parents or their children. Lord, you know the needs, and you've heard the cry of the people. Meet their needs, Lord, we pray. Do a miracle. Touch, in Jesus' name. Amen. Amen. Wherever you are, give us a call. Tell us what the Lord has done for you, and we are just going to rejoice with you. We love to hear from you. Now, Terry. Now, still ahead, it's your questions from our chat room. Tammy wants to know, "Is it wrong to drink a glass of beer or wine socially?" Well, we'll tackle Tammy's question and more, right after this. Too often, we carry baggage from our past. You know what it's like. It affects everything and everyone in our lives. It's always there, weighing us down and keeping us from achieving true happiness. But do you know God never meant for us to be trapped in the past? You can be free of your baggage. Learn how God's forgiveness leads to changed lives and new beginnings. Call the 700 Club. Are you anxious to protect your family with life insurance but afraid you can't afford it? Look how much insurance many people can get through SelectQuote for less than a dollar a day. SelectQuote found Rich, 37, a $500,000 policy for under $18 a month. Even though Dave, 43, takes meds to control his blood pressure, SelectQuote got him a $500,000 policy for under $28 a month. Ellen, 47, got a $250,000 policy for under $20 a month. All it takes is a phone call. Your personal SelectQuote agent will answer all your questions and impartially shop the highly rated term life companies SelectQuote represents for your best rates. Give your family the security it needs at a price you can afford. Call this number or go to selectquote.com. SelectQuote. We shop, you save. As an engineer, Randy Schum had a good salary, but after he was laid off, Randy's bills began to pile up. Then he got resourceful and ended up making even more money. How did he do it? Here's how. Randy Schum knows what it's like to be unemployed. During the recession, he was laid off from his job as an engineer. We had a mortgage to pay. We had food to buy. There was a number of bills that we had, and we weren't sure where we were going to get the money. Even though money was tight, Randy and Ruth never stopped giving. We did our cuts and did whatever we had to do to be able to pay the bills. We realized God is faithful. He has seen us through before. And so we just trusted Him, and every time we had the money to pay all our bills. So when Randy was laid off, the workload from his side business in calligraphy doubled. Before long, he was making more money doing that than he would have as an engineer. So that money that I received from performing the calligraphy for my client was able to get us through that time of unemployment. The Schums believe God has been faithful to provide, because they've been faithful to give. The Lord has done so much for me. I want to give back to other people, because that's what He wants us to do. Randy retired in June of 2010 and is now working his calligraphy business full time. You can't afford not to give. But once you step out in faith and give, you'll see God's faithfulness in your life. I guarantee it. Step out, and you'll see His faithfulness. And folks, if you want to try an adventure, the adventure we're proposing is 65 cents a day. That's not very adventuresome, but you put it all together, it's 20 dollars a month. And if you make that commitment, that's 240 dollars. And it's added to the people all around the world. And it doesn't take many. Let's assume that a million people do that. That's 240 million dollars. That's a lot of money. So little by little, you say, "Well, what does my 65 cents do?" That's what it does. And for those who join our 700 Club, this is a fabulous, fabulous DVD. It's called Life Beyond the Grave. It is the stories of people who died, went to Heaven, some went to Hell, and came back to tell us about it. Very moving. And we'll give this to you free, so please call. I say we'll give it to you as you join the 700 Club. All right, let's get some questions. We should say also, for 700 Club Gold membership, 40 dollars a month, you get three copies of that; 1000 Club members get five. I'm giving one to every one of my children. I said, "You need to watch this. You need to hear what people who have had an experience have to say." Tell them more than anything, as somebody said, "A man with an experience is never at the mercy of somebody with an argument." People say, "Well, I don't believe in Hell." Well, okay, watch this. All right. Questions. Okay, we've got some questions for you. This is Tammy, who says, "Is it wrong to drink a glass of beer or wine socially?" Tammy, I don't see anything wrong with a social glass of wine or a glass of beer. But the question is in your heart do you feel convicted? And the Bible says whatever is not of faith is sin. So the other thing is your example. You're a Christian. So you take one glass of wine, and people at the table around you know you're a Christian. So you're having one glass, but they're going to drink a bottle. And so through your freedom, you can result in the downfall of somebody else. So it is their lack of faith that restricts you. That restricts your freedom. But beyond that, Jesus Christ, people don't agree, but it's true He changed water into wine, the real stuff, at a wedding. The real deal. The real deal. Yes. All right. Okay, this is Evelio, who says, "I was watching a report on TV about bees. A man said that a bee sting can be good for you. I didn't understand. Then last night, the Lord told me, ‘Ask Pat Robertson.' So, Pat, how can a bee sting be good for you?" Well, it sets up within your body a certain response that would be beneficial for something like arthritis. They actually use bee stings for that, don't they? Oh, sure they do. Well, they do, because it sets up in your body an immune response to that bee sting, and the immune response is good for healing certain diseases, especially arthritis. But I wouldn't just go out and get yourself stung, because you can get problems, especially if you get what's called "anaphylactic shock," and it can be very painful. Just one bee sting, if you're wrong. If you have a problem with it, one bee sting can kill you. But bee stings, that's what's good. That's what it does. It builds up in your body a reaction, an immunity that works especially on arthritis. All right, what else? Okay, this is Shannon, who says, "There is a man running for mayor in my town. I like his policies; however, he is a committed atheist. Would it be wrong for me to vote for him?" You use the term "committed." That means he's an open advocate of atheism, and I don't think you want somebody in charge of your city who openly advocates atheism. So somebody else might disagree, but if that's your feeling, if you know that's he stands for and he's a committed, active atheist, then he will be doing everything he can to promote atheistic policies in your city government, not a good thing. And the day we live in, as we've seen in the news today, sometimes taking away the freedoms of others. Thomas Jefferson. Remember. You write this down. Thomas Jefferson said, "I would not have an atheist in my cabinet, because they don't honor oaths to God." And that was Jefferson, the Declaration of Independence, not Pat Robertson. Jefferson. Okay. Go on. Okay, this is not Pat Robertson, but Pat, who says, "My daughter married a guy who can't hold a job. He would rather play on his computer all day instead of working. They have only been married for one year. My daughter is getting frustrated. Does she have a right to leave him?" From the Bible's standpoint, no. I don't see that as a ground. But it's going to be terribly painful. I don't know what to do, unless you play the role of "constructive desertion," but I don't think he's deserted her. I hate to say, folks, you make the decision. Nobody forced you to get married. Nobody forces you to get married to somebody. And you ought to take your time. What else? That's all the time we've got for today, speaking of taking your time. But we'll do some more tomorrow. Well, tomorrow, how the power of forgiveness can help heal cancer and other diseases. The power of forgiveness. And we leave you today with these words from I Peter 5:7 . . . . . . . . "Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about you." Well, that's all the time we've got. Remember, the telephones are available all day long, 1-800-759-0700 for your prayer requests, people who have accepted the Lord. Whatever we can do for you, we're there for you. So we look forward to seeing you tomorrow. Bye, bye. Coming up tomorrow, a home invasion. The loudest sound you could ever imagine. A man's wife and two sons perish. I took several rounds at the arm and the shoulder. I took one round in the right cheek. And his own daughter is one of the culprits. The detectives were saying Aaron was the mastermind. That she was the evil one. When I heard that I just lost it. On tomorrow's 700 Club. Here at CBN, we see amazing things happen when we stand together. That's why we want to say thank you to the thousands of you . . . . . . . . who recently pledged to join the 700 Club. Your monthly gift makes it possible to bring crucial help to those who need it most. You help heal the sick, feed the hungry . . . . . . . . and preach the Gospel across America and throughout the world. You've brought health and hope to people in desperate need. And changed their lives forever. Chen Xiu couldn't hear or speak. His parents were too poor to afford the speech therapy he needed. His mother prayed that God would help her little boy. That's when you were the answer to her prayers and provided Chen Xiu with the therapy he needed. You took them out of a silent prison and gave him hope for the future. So please watch for this mailing and send in your pledge. This year millions will know . . . . The love and saving power of Jesus Christ. And that only happens, because you were there.


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