Basketball Injury Sidelines One Man for Years

“I’ve broken several bones before,” Andy told us. “All I can tell you is, it hurt way worse than any broken bone I’ve ever experienced.”

Andy Anderson was a teenager when he dislocated his shoulder shooting baskets at a playground.  But even after a doctor reset his shoulder, Andy continued having problems.

He said, “I could be doing something that most people would take for granted just like taking a shower, trying to exercise proper hygiene by washing under your arms and doing something as simple as raising my arm up to wash under it, it came out of socket doing that before. And then I would have to get out of the shower in intense pain and lay down on the bed and force my arm to go back into place.”

Andy had lived with the pain for fifteen years, when he fell a second time; he broke his scapula and dislocated his shoulder again.  “It was very discouraging and very disheartening. And over a period of years, I kind of learned to compensate for it. And I had learned to move in certain ways.”

The pain continued for several more years. Then one morning Andy turned on the 700 Club. Gordon asked the audience to place their hands on the part that needed healing. “So I took my left hand and I placed it upon my right shoulder where the injury is at. And I closed my eyes.”

Gordon said, “There someone who’s had a long-term injury with your shoulder.  There was a broken scapula, as well as ligament damage in the joint.  God’s healing all of that for you.  You just felt a wave go through that shoulder and just a release, and you’re able to freely move it. What you couldn’t do before, do it now.  In Jesus name, start moving that right arm.”

Andy said, “When he said that, I just hit my knees and I knew that this healing was specifically for me. And I felt this tingling in my right shoulder at this point. God literally reached down and touched my shoulder and healed it, just like turning on a light switch. The injury that I’ve carried for over two decades was just gone.”

Andy has been pain free ever since, and enjoys doing things he couldn’t do for years. He’s grateful for god’s love – and for faithful prayer. “Since He reached down and healed me on a very personal level, it has just absolutely skyrocketed my love and my faith for the Lord. I’m so filled with gratitude to Gordon and to The 700 Club for just obeying God’s command. God is the ultimate Physician. He’s the ultimate Healer."

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