Wake Up From Your Financial Nightmare

Ron and Angela Delaire's debt totaled $500,000. They changed their financial strategy and are well on their way to being debt free.


Ron Delaire is a chiropractor who moved his family from Canada to California to start a new practice. They moved into a new home, but the house he and his wife Angela left didn’t sell. So, they were carrying two mortgages -- and falling deeper into debt each month. “It was frustrating for me,” says Ron. “You want to provide the best for your family and can’t always do so.” “The money became the center of attention in our lives. It was the topic of everything,” says Angela. Eventually the bank foreclosed on their house in Canada. On top of all that, Ron needed some specialty equipment for his chiropractic practice and had to take out a loan. Before long, the Delaires were $500,000 in debt. “I worked for next to nothing. I likely was making five dollars a patient visit and that was about it,” says Ron. “It was a very desperate feeling. I just wanted to end it all … and wanted to end my life,” adds Angela. Friends and family pitched in so the Delaires could put food on the table. But there didn’t seem to be any solution to their ever increasing debt. Angela and Ron would look at each other and wonder what they should do next. The answer came one day when Angela was watching The 700 Club. Pat Robertson was talking about the importance of giving. At the time, this didn’t seem like an option. “We figured God would understand. He [knew] what our bank account looked like and, because there was no money in it, we felt we didn’t have to give to God. What Pat said touched my heart so much. I realized how selfish, in many ways, we had been. And that we needed to be more givers than takers,” says Angela. So Angela decided to give a gift to CBN. “It was a freeing moment in my life. I was able to actually trust and say, ‘I trust you God, and what you’re going to do in our lives.’ And our life has been very different since then,” says Angela. It started the next day when Ron received an insurance check he never thought he’d see. It was for $4,400! “I was exhilarated when we got that check,” says Angela. “It was the most wonderful connection that I ever had with the Lord. I realized from that step on that He wanted us to do more of that.” Ron and Angela began tithing and giving on a regular basis. Angela went to work with Ron, and the practice is growing every day. They’ve been able to regain much of the income Ron lost during the first few years of business. So far, the Delaires have paid off half of their debt and are well on their way to wiping it all out! “It just goes to show you that the Lord our father, who, when we trust in Him, will follow through,” says Angela. “You put your faith in God and He’ll take care of you. Definitely pray and give what you can and it’ll come back to you,” says Ron. The Ron and Angela have learned first hand the faithfulness of God and the freedom that comes from relying on Him completely. They are living proof that, when we seek God and are faithful to act on what He is calling us to do, God will take care of our every need! God wants to bless you too! One way you can give to God is to partner with CBN. You'll be making a difference in lives the world over, proving food to the hungry, fresh water wells to those in need, humanitarian aid, medical outreaches, and so much more -- and all in the name of Jesus. Please join with us today. Become a CBN partner today!


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