Christian Living

Spiritual Life

The prophets foresaw the Messiah as both a kingly figure and a sacrificial, suffering servant. Over the centuries they watched for and anticipated the coming of the Promised One. In the fullness of time He came, a young man from an obscure village in Galilee who miraculously made the blind see, the lame walk, and the dead rise. His life and His words reverberated with unique purity, power and dignity. He taught that through Him a new kingdom had begun, a kingdom that would have no end. He claimed that in Him God had come to walk among His people. After His death and resurrection, a small band of transfigured followers fanned outward to change the world. Their message was that the Messiah had come; that He had opened the door to forgiveness of sin and eternal life; that His Spirit was invisibly alive and present; and that He would come again in judgment.

Who was this Messiah, this Christ, this Jesus? No more important a question can be asked. In Jesus the two most critical questions of all time are answered: “What is God like?” and “What is the nature of humankind?” In Jesus the Messiah we have a precious and sure revelation of the heart and mind of God, for the fullness of deity dwelt in Him. In Jesus the Messiah we also have a revelation of humanity at its highest, for He was made like His brothers and sisters in all ways except sin.

In this Living By The Book course, “The Messiah Of The Book,” you will learn about Jesus the Messiah in life-changing depth. As a result of its distinctively designed, dual learning tracks, the course is a powerful and effective instructional tool. Each lesson presents, first, an insightful and inspiring commentary on some aspect of Jesus’ messiahship by Dr. Jerry Horner, Professor of New Testament at Regent University. He will discuss such topics as: Jesus in Old Testament prophecy; the nature of the gospel records; the deity and humanity of Jesus; His character and claims; and His birth, miracles, death, and resurrection. You will watch His ministry and message unfold, and come to understand how He orchestrated His mission to humanity stage-by-stage. By simultaneously studying the theological and historical aspects of Jesus’ life, you will acquire broad insight into who Jesus was as the Messiah. The Jesus of Scripture, the Jesus of history, and the Jesus of Christian experience will be seen in their complementary roles. In coming to know the Messiah of the Book, your relationship with the living Christ will be enriched and deepened.  

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