11-11-11: What's In a Number?
Today is a significant day. Not only is it a unique once-in-a-century roll of the calendar, it is also a special day to honor all veterans who have served in our armed forces, dead or alive.
On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918, the Allies and Germany called a cease-fire, bringing an end to World War I. There was no victor. Both sides simply agreed to stop fighting due to heavy loss of lives on both sides. Thus began Veteran’s Day, also known internationally as Armistice Day.
War remains. Young men and women still enlist; bodies continue to come home in flag-draped caskets. The scarred and broken return, limping, rolling or being carried. Family members grapple with altered life landscapes as they experience the aftermath of trauma.
War carries a high price.
However, when humans are destroyed by the ruthless acts of another, life must be defended. God calls us to stand up for life, to defend life, to protect it at all costs.
“Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter.” Proverbs 24:11
As thousands of men and women toil daily in the fight against oppression and useless slaughter, protecting us, we must not forget the One who shed His own blood for our freedom and lives.
Before time as we know it began, war broke out in heaven when Satan proudly rose up to challenge God. The enemy was unable to unseat the God of heaven and was cast out of God’s presence. (See Revelation 12). Determined to rival God, Satan targeted God’s creation. Since the grand deception leading to disobedience in the garden, mankind has been born into the captivity of sin. The prince of darkness works night and day, seeking to steal, kill, and destroy. He refuses to lay down his weapons.
I was a casualty of this invisible war; and in fact, today has special significance for me. I was born on 11-11. For a season of my life, the unseen enemy wreaked such havoc on me that when the clock would show 11:11, I would cringe inwardly over the day I was born, filled with grief and shame over choices I had made, choices I knew were wrong.
But one day the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart and told me God had given me a double portion of forgiveness and blessing. God blessed the day I was born with this word of a double portion of forgiveness. From that day forward, whenever I glanced at the clock and the time read 11:11, I was filled with joy and peace. My God does not lie.
In Hebrew thought, the number 11 signifies transition. God longs to move us into the freedom and victory Jesus paid so dearly for.
Jesus said, “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor.” Luke 4:18-19
I recently heard a message with reference to the number 11. The speaker said, “11 is the number of supernatural breakthrough and blessing.” He explained that 10 miracles were used to free Israel from captivity in Egypt, but the 11th miracle, the parting of the Red Sea, enabled God’s children to move forward in their freedom with great victory.
God can supernaturally part the ocean of difficulty you face. True freedom awaits. May you walk forward in great victory! No matter how war torn you are, no matter how long the enemy has held onto you, today brings hope in a triple dose, 11-11-11.
Copyright ©2011 Suzan Tripp, used with permission.
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