Christian Living

Spiritual Life


A beautiful way to honor and celebrate God is through worship. Worship expresses itself in many ways, including prayer, reading the Bible, serving others and singing.

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Bible Teachings on Worship

Who is the Holy Spirit? How should we approach Him? What are His attributes? What does the Bible say about Him?

The difficulties of life often cloud our vision and keep us from praising God. What can we do to restore a heart-attitude of praise?

Unlike humans and the world around us, God never changes. He is ever constant.

Why be like Obed-Edom? His choices and his life led to blessings for himself and his family. Let us, together, learn who he was and about his life.

Questions about Worship

As the believer soaks in God’s presence, the Lord takes control and begins to draw his or her attention to God’s will in their lives.

We must have unity where those who truly love Jesus Christ will love each other and try to work together. Even though they may differ over techniques...

Fasting and praying are Bible-based disciplines that are appropriate for all believers of all ages throughout all centuries in all parts of the world...

Devotionals about Worship

Are you struggling in certain areas, and you find your praise and worship life has gone... stale? There is always a way for us to freshen up how we...

What would you do if you looked up and Jesus was standing there in the flesh? Jesus has forgiven us of so much. Have we forgotten? Let us all take a...

The ritual sacrifices of the Old Testament served a purpose but are no long necessary. Christ’s death is sufficient every day to cover over our...

Choosing to follow Jesus and be His disciple is a never-ending journey of becoming less like the world and more like Christ. But in our society today...

Do you have an active imagination? Have you ever wondered what heaven would be like? Whether confronted with magery in the face of grief or reading...

All Devotionals on Worship

Videos about Worship

Will God Speak to Me?

Highly decorated Paralympian Jessica Long accomplishes everything she set out to do, but her joy is incomplete until she surrenders her life to Jesus...

With his new worship single, ‘Oh Lord, Lead Us,” Jonathan Cain returns to the 700 Club to inspire Christians to brush off the Covid blues and...

for KING & COUNTRY recording artists Joel and Luke Smallbone revive the heart of Christmas with their holiday album, "A Drummer Boy Christmas."

All Videos on Worship

Articles on Worship

It’s hard to admit sometimes, but while the summer heats up, our daily relationship with God can sometimes start to cool down.

Swapping out the hustle of the Christmas holiday for the holiness of the season leads to praising God. ~Kathy Carlton Willis

I Will Praise: A Study on the 'I Wills' of the Psalms

Christ-much praise is intentional, determined and dedicated.

When there is no other help, God

When There Is No Other Help

The Lord is for you and his help is available right now.

To belong, to be cherished, it’s what we need most—even the smartest, even the most successful among us need it.

Worship God through serving others during the coronavirus quarantine.

All Articles on Worship
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