A Fickle Crowd

“Here He comes,” they shouted waving their Palm branches. “It is Jesus! See Him!"
"But why is he riding on a donkey and not a beautiful white stallion or in a chariot?” some may have questioned. “Oh well, let us shout Hosanna, Hosanna in the Highest!” These people were shouting, dancing, throwing their palm branches down, and bowing before Him. What a scene that must have been. They adored Jesus.
What a day! What a celebration! The people were having a party that would last for a week. This day was Jesus' entry into the city of Jerusalem. He, His followers, and disciples previously stopped at the Mount of Olives before they got to the town where He sent two of his disciples to get a donkey. They told the owner that the Lord needed it. They put coats on the donkey so Jesus could ride him comfortably, and this is how He arrived in the streets where the crowd gathered for the festivities (See Luke 19: 28-38).
It appeared that the people knew how great He was. They threw their coats on the ground! They had reason to be excited; He was going to be their King. At least this is what they thought was going to happen.
A few days later, after Jesus' arrival, He was accused of treason (apprehended by the Roman soldiers in the middle of the night) because the high priests said that He was rebelling against the government (See John 18). Those same people who cheered, applauded, bowed and shouted praises to Him, suddenly changed their minds about Him. Did they forget He was kind, gentle, loving, full of mercy and truth? Did they dismiss His teachings and forget the miracles they had seen with their own eyes? Yes, they thought they had been betrayed and that now they would not have Him as their King to fight their battles and to bring the spoils of wealth back to them. He was their King, but they only thought He was an earthly King and would remain with them.
What good was He to them now?
Within days, these same people who shouted Hosanna (which means ‘save us now’), would become part of a mob shouting, “Crucify Him! Crucify Him!” (See John 19:6) How could they not understand that He was a Servant first; the Suffering Servant? He was not then, nor ever will be, a quick fix for mankind. He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Who came to fulfill their cry to save them.
They turned their backs on Him when He needed them to give Him support. How tragic for them. This fickle crowd denounced the King of Kings and Lord of Lords - the One who offered them salvation, eternal life with Him forever.
Perhaps we are no different than those people. When all is going well and blessings fill our lives, we shout and sing His praises. Then when we can’t feel Him with us, we begin to accuse Him of not caring or we even turn our backs on Him.
Let us never be fickle when it comes to Jesus! Fickle people are erratic, especially with regard to their affections. Let us never waiver in our love and Devotion to Him.
A double minded man, unstable in all his ways. (James 1:8, ASV)
Copyright Cathy Irvin. Used by permission.
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