That I May Know Him
We have entered a new day where the pressures of life as they are today are driving millions to their knees to seek the presence of Father for answers. So much uncertainty is hanging like a shroud over our world. We have been buffeted by the economic crisis and no matter how hard they try, things will never be the same again. Our world is threatened by war and famine in the midst of so much human suffering; I believe we are being summoned as believers into our heavenly Father’s presence.
A new revelation of the glory of God is coming that in the midst of so much turmoil shall bring hope and deliverance. In these, the last of the last days, God the Father through the ministry of his son Jesus is calling the body of Christ to come to him that we may know him. This inner revelation of the Father given to us by the Holy Spirit shall bring a renewal and Holy fire into the church of Jesus Christ.
Yet we must ask ourselves to what end do we seek him and for what purpose. There is so much about God that is beyond our comprehension. We can be moved by the power of God but we can never really understand it; for the power, wisdom, and glory of God are eternal aspects of his person and being. A thousand years from now when all true believers in Christ today, have long since gone on to our eternal reward, there are certain things about him we shall never fully understand.
Why is our holy God calling us unto himself? Although there is much about him we can never know, do not despair for the glory is in the sharing. Father wishes to share with each one of us his heart and convictions. In his holy presence we are stripped of human pretensions for glory. We one and all stand naked before him; all of our human understanding and wisdom are as nothing in his sight.
Father is calling us unto himself to share with each of us his love and heart. I do not and cannot fully comprehend him; but he is love. For all those who hunger and thirst for him he shall show himself with a revelation of glory and understanding. His wisdom is beyond understanding, but he applies it to our hearts with understanding.
We can never fully understand, but we can walk into his presence secure in the inward revelation that he will share with us his great heart and affection. As we spend time with him, his love and convictions transform us from the inside out. Dear saint of God, Father is calling you to himself that he may write upon your heart the love, passion, and convictions of the divine. Never in the history of the world has mankind needed that love and convictions more than today.
Father is calling you saint of God unto himself, but never lose sight that such fellowship shall both change you and the world of men. You will be driven to share his heart with the world and in the light of that holy commission you shall move. There is security in an inward revelation of his heart that goes beyond whatever you may be dealing with in your life.
All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms because we are united with Christ. (Ephesians 1:3 NLT)
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