Christian Living

Spiritual Life

End Times

The end of times will be an unimaginable event and will occur at the coming of the Lord and the resurrection of His believers.

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Bible Teachings on End Times

During this season we mark Advent in the Christian church with the display of a wreath - its circle reminds us of God Himself, eternal and endlessly...

Bible verses about plagues, pestilence, and God's promises for us.

You don't hear so much talk about heaven anymore or about when Jesus will return in glory. Too many people forget how much the Bible has to say about...

Questions about End Times

God's plan for the triumph of love over hate is breathtaking.

Heaven is where God is. He is the light of heaven, the joy of heaven. As you mature in your understanding of the Bible, you realize there is no...

The Bible tells us about Jesus Christ's return.

For an antichrist figure to come into the modern world, there must be a breakdown of the world system as we know it now.

Understanding tribulation and the rapture of Christian believers are critical areas of Bible prophecy.

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Devotionals about End Times

Have you ever gone on a road trip with your family? Someone inevitably asked the question, “Are we there yet?” during the long drive. Perhaps it was...

Are you ready for Jesus' return? The Bible tells us there will be many who claim to be the Messiah. How will you know it's Him? The writer shares...

There is no doubt that current times are difficult. Hatred, envy, greed—conflict is all around us. I remember when life growing up was simpler, less...

It is important to stay alert to the things of God. Living a life that glorifies Jesus Christ means we continue being a light that shines bright in a...

Throughout Scripture, we are warned that we will face difficulties as followers of Christ. It might not sound like this is a story that we’d want to...

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Videos about End Times

Author Trillia Newbell strives to help kids understand racial diversity and God's plan to unify a diverse people for His glory.

Jonathan Bernis, President of Jewish Voice Ministries, unlocks the prophetic mysteries of Israel.

Author Jonathan Cahn discusses his new book that takes readers on an adventure through Scripture to reveal spiritual truths, end time prophecies, and...

Learn more as Gordon Robertson talks one-on-one with author Jonathan Cahn on 700 Club Interactive.

Pat discusses current events in and around Iran and relates it to a critical passage of Scripture found in the Old Testament.

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Articles on End Times

As we celebrate the joy of Christmas, we must learn to long for Christ’s return.

Tenets of New Age doctrine have been a part of human history since the serpent deceived Eve in the garden with the promises of godhood. 

Author and pastor Phil Hotsenpiller takes a realistic look at the rise of lawlessness and how it relates to the End Times.

Munich, Baton Rouge, Nice, Dallas, San Bernardino, Paris – the list grows as Europe and the United States reel under assault by fanatical terrorists...

As the “2012 Doomsday Craze” sweeps the planet, Shepherd of the Hills Pastor Dudley Rutherford is calling on fellow pastors to use the blockbuster...

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