Jesus Marveled

Many years ago, I worked at a nationally known theme park. I loved my job, but for the first two years, I took things for granted. You see, parks like this often have a ticket exchange with other parks and attractions. This is an opportunity for employees to visit the other locations, either free or at a discounted rate. The park I worked for had such an exchange. However, I was so focused on working that I missed out completely on this opportunity for two years.
Being a wife and mom of two boys at the time, you would think I’d want to use such an opportunity. Something changed after those first two years. It was as if I heard about this ticket exchange for the first time. Suddenly, it seemed important, even valuable. I made a point of scheduling time to use those benefits with my family and coworkers. Over the next four years, we had so much fun. I marvel even now at my choices during the first two years. I just took for granted it would be there.
Do we do that with Jesus? Do we ever take for granted that we already know all there is to know about Him? The people in Jesus’ hometown made that mistake and truly missed out.
In Mark 6:1-6 (NKJV), Jesus is in His hometown. These people knew Jesus, or at least they thought they did. They had watched Him grow up, so they thought He was just the son of Joseph. They closed their hearts to the truth. They refused to see who He was, and their unbelief caused Jesus to marvel (v.6). I don’t know about you, but if Jesus is going to marvel at me, I want it to be because of my faith!
Because of their unbelief, Jesus was limited to only small miracles of healing (v.5). He went around teaching. I can only imagine His heartache as He shared with the people, hoping they would receive His words, accept the truth, and be set free.
In Matthew 23:37, we get a glimpse of the heart of our Lord:
“O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the one who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing!"
He must have felt this way about those He grew up with. Does He feel this way about you and me? Are we believing and receiving all He has for us?
Just as I, for two years, saw “just a job,” these folks only saw a man, a carpenter. And as I realized there was more than just a job for me, we must realize there is more to Jesus! We must keep reading His Word and spend time with Him so we can gain revelation of who He truly is—and then be able to enjoy the benefits of being a child of God!
Let us pray:
Father, forgive us for closing our hearts and for thinking we know all of who You are. Forgive us and cleanse us and reveal more of Yourself to us—so we can know you more and believe for the impossible to become possible. In Jesus’ holy name, Amen.
Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.
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