Christian Living

Spiritual Life

When the Pain Won't Go Away

My soul ached, and I didn’t know how to fix it. I knew God could, but how? I knelt in front of my antique dresser and sent a silent plea to heaven. As if a light turned on in my heart, I felt hope. God is enough. The thought comforted me like few others had. He would get me through this—a situation beyond my control to fix. This “storm” may linger, and the “lightning” may still crack. But God would be with me through the downpour. I had hope that the sun would break through the clouds again. 

Have you been there? Is there an ache in your soul that doesn’t seem to go away, no matter how hard you try to cure it? Does its pain intensify when something reminds you of its source? 

When pain is birthed in our lives, it will take up residence until something greater crowds it out. For many people, getting married and raising a family is the “something greater.” The demands of work and home life clamor for attention, and deadlines and busyness commandeer their time. Others set lofty goals and let ambition run its course. Still others try to find healing and peace in relationship after relationship, but the pain deepens instead of subsiding. 

We can try to cram our schedules with busyness and people, and pain may take a back seat. Until we’re alone. Or the house is quiet. Or we can’t sleep at night. We need something greater than our pain. We need God.

God sees the state of our hearts when no one else does. He knows what caused the pain and why it continues. And He cares. No sin is too great that He turns away from helping us and offering us His grace and mercy. No trauma inflicted on us lessens our value in His eyes or causes Him to stop loving us. No storm is too massive that He can’t help His child through it. His fierce love for us moves Him to be our Champion. Our God does, and will, fight for us. 

“You must not fear them, for the LORD your God Himself fights for you.” (Deuteronomy 3:22 NKJV)

When the pain won’t go away, let God be the something greater you need—your Champion and Refuge. Find refuge in His massive strength and goodness. Flood your heart with the promises of His Word. See Him turn tears into comfort, heartbreak into healing, and lost opportunities into new beginnings. Draw close to Him, and let fellowship with Him crowd out the pain. He can be your “enough.”  

All other “cures” have an expiration date. Eventually, people get tired or busy. Church activities usually slow down in the winter. The chocolate cake in the fridge runs out, and the morning jog ends. But God never expires; He never tires. He’s never too busy. He lasts. Forever. 

Find the healing you need in a close, personal, vibrant relationship with God, and delight in the extra help He gives you—family, friends, church, fulfilling your God-given purpose, and using the talents and gifts He has given you. Let God take up full residence in your heart, mind, and life, so that His companionship, joy, and peace crowd out any pain that doesn’t match His unconditional love for you. Day by day He can lessen the pain and replace it with something beautiful. 

“These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 NKJV

Copyright © 2020 by Katy Kauffman

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