Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Experiencing God

Experiencing God is the lifelong process of learning about Him and becoming so intimately acquainted with Him that we joyfully yield our lives to Him and trust Him.

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Bible Teachings on Experiencing God

Life is a never-ending series of choices. Can we know whether we are making the right decisions? I have good news -- God wants to speak to us, and...

The difficulties of life often cloud our vision and keep us from praising God. What can we do to restore a heart-attitude of praise?

God knows all things entirely. He knows every facet, every detail of the present word and possesses an equal knowledge of things past and yet to...

During the Christmas season we often sing the classic hymn, 'O Come, O Come Emmanuel,' but have you ever thought about what this familiar song means...

Seek God daily and His will for your life unfolds before you.

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Questions about Experiencing God

The deep, deep happiness that transcends all else comes from knowing God and, in turn, from being known by Him.

There is no shortcut to spiritual understanding. You have to learn to walk with God and to know His voice; otherwise, you will mistake your own voice...

God's primary means for giving us guidance is the Bible. He never guides His people contrary to the clear principles of His written Word.

As the believer soaks in God’s presence, the Lord takes control and begins to draw his or her attention to God’s will in their lives.

Wherever there are those who honor the king, and wherever the Spirit of the king is, there is the Kingdom of God.

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Devotionals about Experiencing God

Circumstances that involve loss, unfair treatment, illness, or broken relationships are the wilderness places God uses to shape, refine, and carve...

God is merciful. He desires all to come to Him rather than spend an eternity in hell.

Every time I ventured out to feed my little herd of kitties, I’d get ambushed by a mob of bellowing hungry balls of fur. 

In Latin America, as a CBN director, challenges were aplenty. A project for troubled community children faced a setback—no kids would show up. Doubt...

The Pharisees were asking Jesus when the Kingdom of God would come. In Luke 17, Jesus tells them that it is already among them. It's His presence....

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Videos about Experiencing God

In her new book, “Holier Than Thou,” author, speaker, and poet Jackie Hill Perry shares what she has found to be the key ingredient to trusting God.

Regent University’s Dean of the School of Psychology and Counseling Dr. Anna Ord grew up in the USSR, moved to America and...

Actress and author Brenda Epperson shares her journey from emptiness to fulfillment in her new book, "Rise Up!"

John Humphries was so tired of living by uppers and downers, but he wasn’t convinced God could really remove his addiction until...

After trying for years to conceive, Hannah and Craig were overjoyed at the birth of their son Kase. Yet, when he was diagnosed with a disease most...

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Articles on Experiencing God

Just like praying is communicating with God, so is reading the Bible! It’s been said that the Bible is God’s love letter to His people. Reading God’s...

As children of God, we have a corporate calling to love God and make him known.

Is our spiritual growth mainly God’s work or ours?

What does God’s voice sound like, and what might He say to us?

There is no shortcut to spiritual understanding. You have to learn to walk with God and to know His voice; otherwise, you will mistake your own voice...

All Articles on Experiencing God
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