Won Without a Word
CBN.com -- The Information age! That’s how many people describe our modern world as we know it today.
We are surrounded by avenues of communication at every turn. With palm pilots ready at hand, we can instantaneously message text to a friend and receive back their response within seconds. These modern marvels can be transformed into miniature cameras, turning any average “Joe” into agent Maxwell Smart, with surveillance capabilities at any given moment (scary thought I know).
Oh Man and his Magnificent Machines!
I often think about just how far we have come with our sophisticated technology and our wandering sky angel satellites. I sometimes reminisce about a simpler place and a simpler time. A place where a person can actually survive without a 10-day weather forecast, or the flash of a news update every 15 minutes.
Let’s face it, talk is cheap! We hear multitudes of mindless chatter whirling around our heads, most of our waking hours. The onslaught of thousands and thousands of words, and just what are we doing with all this information? We filter most of it within record speeds and whatever is left, as the old adage says, “goes in one ear and out the other.”
I have the misfortune of often experiencing this very dilemma whenever I try to preach, (I mean convince) my husband Art, that “he” needs to read his Bible more, or “he” needs to turn the other cheek, or of course “he” should always be more patient, loving, considerate ( you get the picture). And, what usually is the result of all this sage advice? I am inevitably met with that, “What were you saying babe?” look on his face.
The Holy Spirit gently led me to a verse that would help deliver me from the need to always be the bible thump’n preacher woman! It’s found in 1 Peter: 3:1
In the same way, you wives, be submissive to your own husbands so that even if any of them are disobedient to the word, they may be won without a word by the behavior of their wives.
Well, you could have knocked me over with a feather. There it was in black and white -- “won without a word.” “But come on, I thought to myself, that’s just plain old impossible! At that very moment the little resident angel that always sits on my shoulder leaned over and whispered: “You know God’s always right don’t you?”
Yes, I do. And once again I had discovered another invaluable nugget of truth that deep down inside I recognized that it isn’t always what you say, but rather what you do!
Once again my rubber was meeting the road, and I determined with a holy resolve that next time… I would do more walking the walk and less talking the talk.
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