Doctor Experiences Unexplained Healing
As a retired Air Force Family Doctor, and Christian, Felisa Wilson understands there are limits to what medical science can do. And at the beginning of 2019, she encountered those limitations for herself when a sudden onset of intense pain in her left knee, altered life as she knew it.
Felisa says, “It just started swelling out of the blue, it swelled up so much that I couldn’t bend the knee, I was walking with a limp, I couldn’t walk up the stairs, I had to bend the good leg and keep the bad leg straight. I had no injury, I had no accident, I mean there was nothing to cause it to swell up that much.”
Felisa saw an orthopedist, who couldn’t find a cause for the flare-ups either. He did what he could, but nothing helped. “He injected corticosteroids into the knee to see if the swelling would go down, he drained some fluid off of the knee to see if the swelling would go down, he took images and the images didn’t show anything gross that he could fix or go in and perform surgery on, so we were watching it. And everything that I tried, nothing worked, so I was resigned to the fact that, I don’t know why this is happening, but this is what it is. I did pray for it, I prayed for my knee, I asked God to heal my knee, I believe in healing, and it didn’t happen…it just didn’t happen,” she says.
And the pain just kept getting worse. “I didn’t go for walks, take my dog for walks…even getting in and out of a car, I would have to get in and then physically pull my leg in, thank goodness it was only my left leg and not my driving leg.”
A few months later in June, she took a trip to New Mexico for a friend’s graduation from medical residency. Arriving at the hotel exhausted and in pain, Felisa turned on the television to pass the time, when she came upon The 700 Club, a show she hadn’t seen in years.
Felisa says, “I started watching The 700 Club, and then at the very end, they were ministering to the people, and Gordon was praying, and he said…”
“Someone else, you have tendons out of place in your left knee and God is putting them back in place, taking all that swelling and all that pain, all that discomfort away from you right now. In Jesus name, be healed. Be made whole,” Gordon says.
Felisa continues, “I didn’t think it applied to me, because I didn’t necessarily think this was a tendon problem in my knee, and so, immediately after the program went off, my knee got really hot, all night my knee was really hot, and then I noticed in the morning that the swelling had gone down dramatically from that nighttime to the morning, and then by the time the graduation happened that next night, my knee was completely healed, the swelling had gone down, there was no pain, the heat had gone away once the swelling had gone down, and I was able to wear heels to the graduation and congratulate my friend and see his family and other people I hadn’t seen in years, and it was lovely and I haven’t had a problem since.”
Soon after Felisa came home to Alaska, she told her friends about her miraculous healing and her grateful heart to the Lord. “It was wonderful to be seen by the Lord in that way and have that miraculous healing. I feel like I’m the apple of His eye. I feel I’m so blessed in this life; I feel like I’ve had such a great life and there’s so much more to come. God is love and I am here to love His people and do whatever I can to help them. I honestly believe that,” she says.
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