700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

Dr. Ron Archer reveals “The Power of One Man”

Fatherless and Loveless

Ron never knew who his birth father was. His 17-year-old mother did what she needed to do to survive, and Ron was the result. He grew up being rejected by his step-father all his life, never able to understand why nothing he did was ever good enough for the father-figure in his life.

He was sexually abused by a babysitter. Due to sever trauma, he developed a stuttering problem and would wet the bed, all signs of trauma that led to even more abuse instead of getting the help he needed. Teased by classmates and neglected at home, Ron didn’t want to hurt anymore, so he put a revolver to his head and pulled the trigger, but it didn’t fire.

Issues compounded for years, but his mother stayed with the stepfather as he provided a place to live. After years of abuse, Ron and his mother left the hostile environment.

Ron’s family was not only not religious, but anti-reliigious. A neighbor invited him to church, and whenever he would get dressed to go, his mother gave him the option of mopping the floor and ruining his clothes or missing breakfast, many times making messes just for him to have to clean as a roadblock. Still, it was during this time that he began to hear the message of Christ – the ultimate man of God and representation of a loving Father here on earth.

Inspired to Greatness 

Ron continued to stutter, but that changed when a neighbor began to spend time with him, developing his elocution and showing Ron how to have control over his own voice. His confidence began to grow, but he always remembered his roots, and still felt less worthy than his peers.

In time, he received a scholarship to a Catholic school. He began to excel in football and school, and even became captain of their football team. The principal, Father O’Connell, said that with Ron’s strength of character, tenacity in everything he set his hand to, and a love shared by the students for him, he should campaign for class president. Feelings of inadequacy began to set in, but Father O’Connell wasn’t going to have that. He told Ron something Ron still remembers even to this day – that when he looked at Ron, he saw a leader, and that, “Sometimes a man can pick his time, but sometimes a time can pick the man.”

Ron decided to sieze the opportunity and going up against trust fund kids in a 90% white student body, he won by a massive landslide. Everyone saw the greatness in Ron, and that wasn’t the last time.

From Glory to Glory 

Ron continued to go to church, and even asked the pastor if he could read some of his books to learn more about God. Becoming a mentor to him, the pastor pushed Ron much further than he ever thought possible, and never took excuses. It was the tough love Ron had needed all along. It strengthened him spiritually and emotionally, and after six months of drilling him on apologetics and homoletics, the pastor challenged him to preach that Sunday night.

Having studied his mentor’s sermon notes and structure for months, Ron took on the challenge and was meticulous about every detail. When it came time to preach that Sunday night, Ron submitted to the nurturing of his God, his pastor, his principal, and the teacher who helped him find his voice. Completing his sermon, 30 people were saved and many rededicated their lives to God. Ron was asked to continue teaching every Sunday night.

After continuing to be mentored, he grew kinesthetically and saw how pastors and leaders can really make a difference in the lives of others. He went on to college and not wanting to be a victim of what he calls Terminal Uniqueness (believing you are so unique and special that the rules don’t apply to you, leading to arrested development and entitlement), he pushed himself this time and began a small Bible study that grew to over 200 people.

In time he became a pastor, mentor, business executive, and now a public speaker who seeks to mentor leaders and draw out the potential of developing leaders. He fell in love, got married, and has amazing children whom he gets to be the proud and present father for. He shares with others the importance of an invested father in a child’s life, and how all of society can change through the power of fatherhood. He became an author with the successful book What Belief Can Do, telling how God turned his pain and tragedy into triumph, and how God can do the same for them. He is now in talks of turning his life into a major motion picture.

A New Chapter 

Ron has now authored a new book, The Power of One Man to share of his life experiences of the men who spoke into his life, and the importance of strong men in our culture, society, nation, and families. He shares that even if we are the only ones serving God, we can make all the difference in our communities by simply abiding in Christ.

Ron believes when we seek first God’s Kingdom, there is peace in the home and hope for our world. He discusses the power of transformational leadership in our callings, and how we can rise to the occasion by humbling ourselves before our present and loving Father.

In his book, Ron shows how some of the greatest biblical figures in the Bible came from broken backgrounds, but that didn’t stop God from tranforming culture through them. For example, the shame that David writes about being born into, the cause that he was intentionally left out in the fields while Samuel came to appoint the next king, and the reason his brothers hated him may all point to David possibly being an illegitimate son. Many children are born out of wedlock today, but Ron says David’s story indicates that as God showed Samuel that there was someone missing from Jesse’s family gathering, and how David’s talent as a musician brought him into Saul’s inner courts so that he could learn how kingdoms were governed, God sees and prepares his children for greatness, if we abide in Him.

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