Christian Living

Spiritual Life


Success is not a person's class, wealth, position, power and influence. Our transformation or growing in our walk with Jesus is success in God’s eyes.

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Bible Teachings on Success

To balance out the "work hard and succeed" promises of the Book of Proverbs, the Book of Ecclesiastes assures us that human beings cannot find their...

Debt, whether associated with poverty or not, is a form of slavery. Following God's principles will break the hold of both poverty and debt.

The Bible is a spiritual book, but not so spiritual that money doesn't matter.

Character is important in shaping who we are and who we are in Christ. Here are some solid words of scripture to validate its importance.

None of us knows when we’re going to die. But it’s a fact that we will die.

All Bible Teachings on Success

Questions about Success

The problem is that just because you’re a good person doesn’t give you a ticket to heaven.

Unfulfilled people have exchanged the truth of God for a lie. The lie is that human goals and accomplishments can satisfy.

Coveting is a condition of the heart--an inner condition which ultimately leads to an outer offense.

Poverty is a lack of money or material possessions. Debt, whether or not associated with poverty, is a form of slavery. Following God's...

Primarily, success for us should mean being saved and knowing we will go to heaven. Beyond that, success means to learn and to apply heavenly...

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Devotionals about Success

Relationships? Success in business or in family? The accumulation of stuff? Even when you get that raise or that new car, all of these things fall...

When God calls you to something, He is fully aware of your circumstances, limitations, strengths, and age. But He chose you for it, He called you by...

Just like the Israelites, how do so many Christians get stuck in the wilderness or even on the edge of their promised land? A sad place to...

Our worldly belongings will not be going with us when our time here is over. The Apostle Paul wrote, “For those who live according to the flesh set...

We cannot judge what we speak merely by the words themselves, but by the spiritual wisdom from which the words are spoken. James uses some pretty...

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Videos about Success

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Articles on Success

Reflecting on his illustrious career, the baseball hall-of-famer says his greatest accomplishment is serving God. 

Rocky Carson balances his competitive edge with the character traits of being a man of God. 

Steve Green, son of David Green and founder of Hobby Lobby, discusses the trials, hardships, and triumphs behind the beloved arts-and-crafts giant...

Todd Hoffman, of Discovery Channel’s Hoffman Family Gold, discusses what to expect on this summer’s second season and how the series is a platform...

Man sneaking cake

Stop Providing for Failure When You Want Success

Want to be a success at quitting? Stop planning for failure by leaving an open door to your habit.

All Articles on Success
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