10 Ways to Not Be Boring on Valentine's Day
Raise your hand if you are doing the standard dinner out, flowers, and candy. While that is nice, some of you may need to infuse a little more excitement into your boring Valentine's Day plans.
The key: Novelty!
Do something new to stimulate your relationship that breaks from ordinary life. New experiences stimulate dopamine in the brain and that brings feelings of romance.
Here are a few ideas to rev up the romance and stimulate that boring brain:
1) Enjoy a couple's spa night. Schedule the two of you for relaxation and pampering. Check online coupon sites for deals.
2) Show love to a stranger or person in need. The two of you decide to go to a homeless shelter, children's hospital, or some place where showing love can bring joy to others.
3) Picnic somewhere scenic. Take a blanket, a basket of food and drink, and find a beautiful spot to picnic. For those of us in more northern climates, it may have to be an indoor place with a view. Just be creative. You might even drive to a scenic view and picnic in your car. Or, if you have a fireplace, spread the picnic out on the floor!
4) Go to a nice hotel and truly get away. If you can afford it, take the trip. Leave your devices alone and enjoy the time together.
5) Do something you never do. Sign up for a cooking class, go on a hike, go bowling, or play laser tag.
6) Create love notes. Leave them all over the house with clues on how to find them.
7) Write it out. For those of you with a more creative side, write a poem, compose a song, or find quotes that express your love.
8) Recreate your first date. You may not be able to go back to the exact location, but you could use pictures, maps, and reminders of the place. Then, recreate the date and relive the memory.
9) Create a surprise. Not knowing where you are going or what you are doing with only a few clues along the way adds to the fun and novelty.
10) Pull out old photos. Reminisce about the most romantic times. Put on soft music, light candles, and set the atmosphere for more to come!
This Valentine's Day, create a memory that strengthens the couple bond by doing something new to bring passion to your relationship. Romantic love doesn't have to fade over time. It just needs a few shots of novelty once in awhile!