Banish Back-to-School Stress

School is getting ready to start. How do you feel about that?
Are you excited? Or maybe a little bit anxious? It’s normal to feel some apprehension about going into a new situation around new people.
If you’re going back to the same school you attended last year, that may help some. But even if the campus is familiar, it can still be challenging to adjust to new classes, teachers, and other students. Perhaps your family moved over the summer. If so, your stress may be compounded with the fear of acceptance that comes from being the new kid lost somewhere down the hall of Corridor B.
I understand. I went to several junior highs and three different high schools. I remember the sleepless nights of the first week back to school. I used to lie in bed and question if I’d like my new classes and teachers, and I wondered who my new friends would be.
Thankfully for me it was easy to make friends. I found my groove wherever I went. But even though I was quick to acclimate, the first few weeks at school were always a difficult time.
Dealing with New School Year Concerns
You can start addressing those concerns now by replacing negative self-talk with positive thoughts centered on your faith. For example, instead of telling yourself how awkward it is going to be in first period, remind yourself that God is there with you and He wants you to cast all your worries on Him (Psalm 55:22).
It’s also helpful to remember that you can pray in your heart anytime and anywhere. When it feels like life is closing in around you, try taking a deep breath. Then close your eyes for just a few seconds, and picture yourself giving your troubles to God.
He wants to carry your school time anxiety so that you don’t have to lug it around. You were not meant to walk through life alone. When you accept the Lord Jesus as your Savior, He starts living in your heart. Through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, you will find that you’re not only adjusting to your new circumstances on campus, you’re starting to excel, succeed, and even thrive.
Seven Scriptures for Back to School Success
Here are seven scriptures – one for every day during the first week of school. Look up each passage and meditate on it. As you read your Bible, exhale all your worries and inhale the peace of God. Print these encouraging words out and place them in your backpack or on your nightstand.
- God will give me a spirit of power. He’ll help me be assertive. (2 Timothy 1:7)
- Worrying doesn’t help anything. It only deepens my despair. (Luke 12:25-26)
- When I’m anxious, God will bring me joy. (Psalms 94:19)
- The Lord cares for me in my worries. I am not alone. (1 Peter 5:7)
- God’s love overcomes all my fear. Love provides peace and banishes my worry. (John 16:33)
- When I feel weak, God is strong. I will give Him my inability and ask for His ability. (2 Corinthians 12:9-10)
- As I center my mind and thoughts on God, He will shield my heart with great peace. (Isaiah 26:3)
A Back to School Prayer for You
Jesus, sometimes life can be uncomfortable. We don’t always feel great about things. But we know that you are our Comforter. Anytime we are anxious, You are there. Thank you, Lord, for new beginnings. We ask for You to place a wellspring of joy deep within our souls. Help us to look forward to the future with excitement and hope. Bless this new school year. Fill it with your favor. Help us to be faithful witnesses of your love every where we go. We want to honor you in all that we do. Thank you for your amazing love. Amen.