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STORY: In Tune
Have you noticed that certain people seem to be more in tune with the Lord and with others? Recently, I was given several gifts from my WordGirls group. I received:
- An insulated mug I had mentioned I liked. (She had already bought one for me before I commented on how neat hers was. She sure knows me!)
- My favorite essential oil blend. (I ran out of it the week before—unknown to anyone.)
- Healthy food and beverage items from my accountability partner, who took the time to look at my food diary to find out my favorite ones. (Sneaky!)
- A writer-themed pendant/charm necklace, purchased from one of my favorite jewelry makers.
- An African-made necklace that matched my blouse the next day. I hadn’t packed any jewelry to wear with the outfit. It was oh-so-special to wear the necklace, knowing the mission backstory.
Sometimes, serving means paying attention. Be on the lookout for others’ needs. And be sensitive to God’s nudges, to act and do even when you aren’t aware of the need. God knows—and sends us to serve in specific ways when we follow His lead.
STUDY: How we Serve
God knows how often I pray for you. Day and night I bring you and your needs in prayer to God, whom I serve with all my heart by spreading the Good News about his Son. (Romans 1:9 NLT)
- Paul is writing to the believers in Rome in this letter. How does he say he serves the Lord?
- What are some of the evidence that Paul holds nothing back as He serves God?
- What are some of the ways you can show God you’re holding nothing back in your service to Him?
But be sure to fear the Lord and faithfully serve him. Think of all the wonderful things he has done for you. (1 Samuel 12:24 NLT)
- What are the three action statements Samuel gives all of Israel as he addresses them in this passage?
- If your mentor left behind three action statements, what importance would they hold to you?
- Since the Bible is God’s Word, it holds highest importance in directing our lives. How can you make these three action statements a priority?
Elijah replied, “I have zealously served the Lord God Almighty. But the people of Israel have broken their covenant with you, torn down your altars, and killed every one of your prophets. I am the only one left, and now they are trying to kill me, too.” (1 Kings 19:10 and 14)
- How did Elijah serve the Lord?
- What does zealous service to the Lord look like?
- Have you ever felt alone in your service to the Lord?
“And Solomon, my son, learn to know the God of your ancestors intimately. Worship and serve him with your whole heart and a willing mind. For the Lord sees every heart and knows every plan and thought. If you seek him, you will find him. But if you forsake him, he will reject you forever. (1 Chronicles 28:9 NLT)
- Here’s another passage about serving the Lord, that focuses on the heart and mind. What does it tell you about serving God?
- What happens when you realize the struggle of your mind and heart to be willing when it comes to serving God? I’ve heard the prayer, “Dear Lord, make me willing to be willing.”
For the Kingdom of God is not a matter of what we eat or drink, but of living a life of goodness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. If you serve Christ with this attitude, you will please God, and others will approve of you, too. (Romans 14:17-18 NLT)
- The second sentence says, “If you serve Christ with this attitude...” To what attitude is this referring?
- How do you live a life of goodness?
- How do you live a life of peace?
- How do you live a life of joy?
- How does the Holy Spirit empower you to do these three things?
Care for the flock that God has entrusted to you. Watch over it willingly, not grudgingly—not for what you will get out of it, but because you are eager to serve God. (1 Peter 5:2 NLT)
- Synonyms for eager: enthusiastic, excited, ready, willing, fervent, zealous, raring to go!
- Have you ever found yourself eager to serve God? What was the result?
- After a time of eagerness, what dampened your enthusiasm for serving God? How do you get the eagerness back?
STEPS: A Serving Priority List
- Tap into reverence toward God before stepping out in service. “Serve the Lord with reverent fear, and rejoice with trembling.” (Psalm 2:11 NLT)
- Have a single-minded focus. Jesus replied, “The Scriptures say, ‘You must worship the Lord your God and serve only him.’” (Luke 4:8 NLT)
- Reduce distractions so you can best serve the Lord. “I am saying this for your benefit, not to place restrictions on you. I want you to do whatever will help you serve the Lord best, with as few distractions as possible.” (1 Corinthians 7:35 NLT)
Copyright © 2018 Kathy Carlton Willis, used with permission.