Solid Hope: A Devotional Study on Truth

STORY: Truth Games
There are several games based on identifying the truth. A television show called "To Tell the Truth" aired for all of my childhood. The show’s host told the panelists about an unusual occupation or experience while presenting three possible contestants. Two were imposters and one was the true character. The panelists asked questions to determine the truth. The imposters could make up lies to convince the panelists they were the spotlighted name. The authentic character had to tell the truth.
Another game we still play today is called “Two Truths and a Lie.” It is a great mixer to learn more about the others playing the game. People who are “good liars” have an edge over those who have a “tell” when they aren’t telling the truth. I’m competitive and I want to win, but is it such a bad thing to be a “bad liar”?
Truth has always been a valued asset. Whether it happened in the days of black-and-white television game shows, or in today’s world of make-believe.
STUDY: When Truth Shows Up
What can you do when your enemies shame you? Remind yourself that God takes care of those who oppress you. What happens to your feelings when you make it a priority to know God’s ways?
"To you, O Lord, I lift up my soul. O my God, in you I trust; let me not be put to shame; let not my enemies exult over me. Indeed, none who wait for you shall be put to shame; they shall be ashamed who are wantonly treacherous. Make me to know your ways, O Lord; teach me your paths. Lead me in your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all the day long" (Psalm 25:1-5 ESV).
- Fighting battles is hard. Our enemies might look different, but the situations create similar challenges. How can leaning in to God’s truth help you with your struggles? Remind yourself that God is aware of anything that hurts you and he can take care of them for you.
- What does it mean to lift up your soul to God?
- How are you showing trust in God right now while you wait for your battle to be won?
- How does God make it so you can know his ways? How is he teaching you his paths?
- Do you follow the truth God leads you to pursue? Is there anything you’re holding back?
- While you wait for answers, learn more about God. That never delays your relief and release.
Those who lead blameless lives and do what is right, speaking the truth from sincere hearts . . . Such people will stand firm forever. (Psalm 15:2, 5 NLT)
- If the goal is to speak truth, what are some of the ways we can equip ourselves, based on this verse?
- How does not just knowing the truth, but speaking the truth help you stand firm?
- Notice that the heart and the actions of a believer are both important. It requires a sincere heart to live a holy life with our actions and our words.
The Lord is close to all who call on him, yes, to all who call on him in truth. (Psalm 145:18 NLT)
- It is comforting to know God is close by when we call on him.
- How do we call on the Lord in truth? Have you ever asked God to do something that goes against his character or his principles? That would be calling on him based on falsehoods instead of truth. We deceive ourselves if we think God will answer that kind of prayer.
Your justice is eternal, and your instructions are perfectly true. (Psalm 119:142 NLT)
- How is God’s justice different than the justice we see here on earth?
- What are God’s instructions? When we are talking about God’s truth, it is always perfect, but the psalmist felt like spotlighting that aspect anyway.
- What do justice and truth have to do with each other?
The very essence of your words is truth; all your just regulations will stand forever. (Psalm 119:160 NLT)
- The foundation for God’s words is truth. Take a moment to recall the story in the New Testament when Jesus talked about building the house upon the rock versus the house upon the sand.
- Looking at God’s words through the lens of that story, how can we know that his principles will stand forever?
Send out your light and your truth; let them guide me. Let them lead me to your holy mountain, to the place where you live. (Psalm 43:3 NLT)
- Reword this psalm into a personal prayer.
- The only teaching worth learning is based on truth. How does this type of instruction help you put your hope in God all day long? Remind yourself that God is the God who saved you and is continually saving you. If your learning is based on God’s truth and your trust is based on the knowledge of the one who saves you, you will find the secret to consistent, persistent hope.
STEPS: Order Your Steps on God’s Truth
Base your action plan on these two verses.
Lead me by your truth and teach me, for you are the God who saves me. All day long I put my hope in you. (Psalm 25:5 NLT)
Teach me your ways, O Lord, that I may live according to your truth! Grant me purity of heart, so that I may honor you. (Psalm 86:11 NLT)
- Pray truth. Reword these psalms into a personal prayer.
- Learn truth. The only teaching worth learning is based on truth.
- Lean on truth. Remind yourself that God is the God who saved you and is continually saving you.
- Believe truth. Put your hope in God all day long.
If your learning is based on God’s truth and your trust is based on the knowledge of the one who saves you, you will find the secret to consistent, persistent hope.
Copyright © 2021 Kathy Carlton Willis, used with permission.