Beauty: More Than Skin Deep - You’ve heard the saying “beauty is only skin deep,” right? In fact, beauty goes beyond your skin and into your organs—this is where the internal mirrors the external, your physical appearance.
Have you ever noticed on some days your skin appears dull and on others some new wrinkles have joined the family? Sorry to say, sun damage is not the only factor in aging skin, even though it is by far the most obvious. It’s also what you eat and more.
Facing Inward
Let’s take a look at what goes into our bodies daily: processed food, sugar, chemicals (food preservatives, cleaning supplies), caffeine, smoke (first- or second-hand), diet soda and regular soda, the polluted air we breathe, cosmetics, hair and body products, and water.
To make matters worse, we could have parasites; yes, these harmful creatures lurk around on just about every living thing (humans included) inside or out… Yuck! It is unfair that we are the main ingredient in this chemical soup we call home.
With all that consuming us, we need to fight back! Get your recipe book out and diffuse the bomb of chemical warfare with detoxification.
Use a program with 100% natural ingredients (without genetically modified ingredients) like Cleanse Smart. For the price of $14.27, it’s a great way to start off a detox and it’s organic with no fillers (fillers are listed at the bottom of the container as “other ingredients”).
I have found that a long-term cleanse (two-three months) to really address the liver, lymph, bowel, and immune system is best for me. Plus, I do a bit extra with the parasite cleanses, at least two a year.
Internal Pest Control
Anti-parasite support is next in our battlefield plan of action.
“Every living thing has at least one parasite that lives inside or on it, and many, including humans, have far more,” notes Discover magazine, August 2000.
The combination of environmental toxins, an unhealthy diet, and parasites poses a grave danger to humans. "In fact, parasites have killed more humans than all the wars in history," reported National Geographic in its award-winning documentary, The Body Snatchers.
Dr. Gloria Gilbére suggests a homeopathic formula called Homeopathic Parasite and the partner to go with it is Zymex 11. This enzyme breaks down the outer shell of the organism. Please call 1-888-352-8175 or visit for purchases.
The protocol for the parasite cleanse is two weeks on, one week off, two weeks on, one week off, two weeks on, and then your are finished—and so are those creepy bugs!
Spring Clean Your Colon
Now you need to sweep your colon clean with BioEudaemonic Nutritionals Colon Sweep ($29.99) Dr. Gilbere says, “In order to consume sufficient fiber for a clean colon, you would have to consume approximately two large turkey-platter-sized plates of raw vegetables daily, not likely to be accomplished in a typical busy lifestyle. Colon Sweep sweeps away the sludge within the intestinal walls. After all, scientists have confirmed over 80% of our immune system is based in our gut!”
Another colon cleanse is by Dr. Natura called Colonix and can be found at It costs $63 to $88 per one-month kit for a three-step program.
Take a Probiotic
I was able to speak with Charlie Skeen, vice president of Product Development Nutrition at Premier Labs, and he was telling me about the importance of taking the correct form of minerals your body needs during detoxification and an effective probiotic to keep the friendly bacteria in tact.
Without good bacteria, our bodies are unable to digest food properly and our intestines become overrun with toxins and waste, which restricts the absorption of nutrients and sets the breeding ground for disease. When we frequently ingest chlorinated water, coffee, or alcohol and fatty foods, get stressed, or become overly tired, we unknowingly kill the good bacteria in our bodies. Even the foods we eat to keep health—like meat and milk—contain antibiotics and hormones, which further reduce the levels of good bacteria.
After hours of searching for a probiotic without the added fillers, this is the one I thought to be of real health value: Dr. Ohhira’s Probiotic 12 Plus for $41.00. It contains 12 strains of lactic acid bacteria, including the potent TH10, and has an enteric coat that ensures delivery of the capsule’s contents to the colon without the need for preservatives or additives.
I found another probiotic that was lower in price, but so was the strain and mineral content. The capsule is gelatin coated and the price was 50% off. You can get it for $12.33.
Detox Foods
What do you eat while detoxing? Organic raw fruit, veggies, legumes, whole grains, nuts and seeds, good fats (Udo’s Oil), plenty of purified water (not tap), and green tea.
My favorite green tea is by Pure Inventions. I love the quality and the price is not bad considering one dropper of this concentrate is equivalent to 14 cups (provides more than 80 mg of polyphenols) of green tea! It averages about $.49 per serving and costs less than a regular cup of tea. It costs $30.75 (one bottle concentrate).
You should avoid these foods: milk and dairy products, processed foods, sugar, white flour products, artificial sweeteners, soft drinks, tap water, and margarine.
Detox Blues
You may experience headaches, nausea, and fatigue because the toxins are leaving your body. Remember, everyone is different; while one may experience minor symptoms, others may feel more. Your prayer time is valuable through this, and you can count on God to get you through the withdrawals.
As with any detox or cleanse, consult with your physician first and get his /her approvals on whatever programs you choose.
Facing Forward
I know this seems like a lot and may be difficult to attempt; however, anything you can do will benefit your well being. Simple things like body brushing, herbal detox baths, walking, weight lifting, or any exercise program will enhance your health and detoxification process.
When all is said and done, you will feel and look fabulous!