Step Out and Enjoy Fall
Breathe in deeply and experience God’s provision of cooler weather. Fall is the time of year that invites everyone into the great outdoors. Football season is coming on strong, golf is still in full swing, especially in our part of the country, and our minds are starting to think on family: family get-togethers, reunions, and even the possibility of roasting hotdogs and marshmallows around a campfire.
I would encourage you to look at this temperature change as God’s invitation to “step” out and rediscover His wonder we call nature. Let me share some fun physical activities you can encourage your family with.
I recall as a child living in multiple locations that actually witnessed the four seasons, and fall was always my favorite—even when I had to rake up the leaves. You know the process; you begin, of course, by getting the strongest rake with the widest raking end, and starting from the edge of the yard, you would rake inward until you made a huge pile—all the leaves in the yard in one monstrous pile. Then you jumped into them! And you continued to jump and jump until Dad came out and said, “You’re going to have to start all over again.” We did, jumping included. Leaf raking became an all-day activity.
Do you consider walking fun? It can be, especially for the whole family. Stake out your course; don’t make it too tough for the first timers (comfortable 10 minutes out, 10 minutes back). Then take some Scripture verses, ones that deal with life issues appropriate for your walking partner, write them on 3 x 5 cards, and start reciting them to each other, kind of like a “Mobile Scripture Bee”. You can do this with spelling words too. If your young person has to study for a test, start walking and quizzing them at the same time.
What’s good about this technique is that anytime you walk, you should be able to carry on a conversation, leaving room for breathing in and out. If you get winded and out of breath, you are walking too fast; if you can converse with no problem, you’re at the correct pace; if you can sing while you’re walking, quicken your pace next time out.
My son has to study from 25 to 75 words every two weeks, so by walking together, we can get in a lot of family time and increase everyone’s vocabulary as well on a weekly basis. Be sure to stretch for 10-15 minutes before and after walking to prevent soreness and improve flexibility.
Recognizing God’s hand in everything around us helps us to understand how much He loves us—after all we are His family. Now smile as you come together with yours.
Before beginning any new fitness program that requires a change in diet or exercise, it is recommended that you consult your physician for input. This informational series is not intended for medical or nutritional claims dependent on substantial clinical studies and FDA approval, and should not be construed as a claim for cure, treatment, or prevention of any disease. It is intended solely for information and educational purposes. Linda is not a physician or expert in the medical field. She has been involved in the health and fitness industry as a personal trainer and fitness instructor for numerous years. The information given in these sessions have been derived from books and materials brought together over the years from many sources, including her personal life experiences.