700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

A Deadly Countdown for Their Baby

Zsa Zsa Palagyi - 700 Club Producer

Mrs. Guo couldn’t wait to have her first child.

She recalls, “When I felt movement in my womb, I imagined she was dancing. And I hoped one day my little girl would wear a tutu and be a ballet dancer, lighthearted and trouble-free.”

But three months after YiMan was born, she started having problems with breathing and digestion. Doctors ran tests and found out that she had a hole in her heart.

“Her heartbeat didn’t sound normal, her lips were purple, and when she slept, her breathing was short,” Mr. Guo shares. “Her immune system didn’t work well, so she caught lots of colds and had fevers all the time.” 

YiMan ended up malnourished, small, and weak.  

“This was serious,” Mrs. Guo declared. “I wanted my daughter to be strong. And I still hoped that she would be able to dance someday. But I knew we might lose her.” 

Secretly, Mrs. Guo blamed herself.

She confesses, “I thought maybe she had this heart trouble because I did something wrong. I didn’t want YiMan to see me sad. But when I was alone, I cried. I wished I could take the heart trouble and the pain from her.” 

The doctor said YiMan needed surgery by the time she was one. But the Guos didn’t have the money, and it would be five years before Mr. Guo made enough. Meanwhile, as YiMan got older, she got worse.

Mr. Guo recounts, “She didn’t want to play or move much. And one of us always had to hold her. My mother prayed for YiMan every time she went to the church.”

Finally, Grandma Gou’s prayers were answered. Someone from work told Mr. Guo about CBN, so he contacted us, and we set up and helped pay for surgery. The hole in YiMan’s heart was mended, and today, she’s a healthy toddler.

“YiMan’s height and weight are normal, and now she’s very lively,” Mr. Guo exclaims.  

Mrs. Guo adds, “She’s strong, her face is rosy, and her breathing is normal, so she can jump and dance.”

And now, Mrs. Guo has a second dream for her daughter. 

“When she grows up, I want her to be just like the people from CBN who helped us,” she explains. “I never knew there were such good people in the world. Thank you for saving my daughter!” 

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