High-Tech Hand-Washing in Peru—Thanks to You!
Puno, Peru
As the sun rises on the city of Puno near Lake Titicaca in southern Peru, people are lining up to enter a huge open air market.
Many, like Maria, think of this as a dangerous place to visit during the Covid pandemic. She told us she always tries to “follow the rules about washing and safe distancing.”
Today, she’s buying food for her family and her elderly mother. But Maria is nervous.
“When people go to the market, they might have the virus on their hands. They touch things. It can also be on money,” she told us.
Maria and other shoppers know that handwashing is an important part of preventing, and even stopping disease.
So Maria and another shopper named Milusca were especially grateful when they arrived at the entrance to the market and found this new “handwashing station” built and installed by Operation Blessing. Government officials now require everyone who enters the market to wash their hands first!
“I have to admit, the first few times I went to the market I was afraid,” said Milusca. “But now, with these new sinks, I feel like you are helping us to adapt to this new situation!”
Operation Blessing is also handing out printed material about effective handwashing so shoppers can share that information with their families.
“I want to thank Operation Blessing for installing these hand-washing stations,” added Maria. “You are helping to keep us safe! Thank you.”